What a year……

Envision Writer
Envision Labs


Myself and the rest of the Envision team wanted to take a moment to reflect on the progress we’ve made in 2022 and to thank our community for your support and trust in our team and what we are building.

There’s no denying 2022 has had its fair share of challenges including unprecedented rate rises, record high inflation, geopolitical uncertainty, a war plus numerous billion dollar failures to name a few. There’s no hiding from the impact this has had on the blockchain/digital asset space, however, this is nothing new.

Ever since Bitcoins whitepaper was released over 14 years ago, there have been, and will continue to be, many sceptics and doubters of blockchain technology plus its place in our society. Just like the internet and any disruptive technology before it, there will be growing pains, many of which were felt over the past 12 months. These failures and growing pains were inevitable and will ultimately help shape the industry and the regulation that governs it.

Whilst it’s easy to dwell on the negatives, many of this year’s events have provided the catalyst needed to move away from centralisation and promote the very concept Satoshi promoted in the bitcoin whitepaper. This concept plays to the narrative of Envision in providing its users the ability to fully own and control assets, and interact peer to peer.

We’ve also seen in 2022 a change in tone from regulators, governments and institutions who are all showing more proactive signs and accepting that blockchain and digital assets are not going away. This has brought significant improvements in the underlying infrastructure needed for mass adoption. Every day we see innovations and improvements that make developing and using blockchain easier, more efficient and safer. The improvements over the past 12 months in fiat on-ramps, wallets, aggregators, development tools and education packs to name a few, is extremely exciting. Underlying infrastructure in the digital asset space is extremely important as almost every web3 project is reliant on 3rd party partnerships and technology to provide improved workflow and a better experience for users, unsurprisingly this is crucial to bringing new entrants and retaining existing ones.

There is no question the past 12 months have been the most challenging, yet exciting and rewarding of my professional career. Myself and the rest of Envision team have done all we can to build the best product possible, and whilst the challenging market conditions doesn’t help user/community acquisition or market capitalisations, it has allowed the team to focus on things that matter while the hype and noise remain subdued. We decided based on many factors to launch the beta platform with a number of additional features and products from what we originally planned which has slightly delayed our roadmap. However, it’s exciting to announce we will be launching our beta platform with a fully functioning moodboard, fiat on/off ramp, inhouse DEX, creators dashboard plus many more, all of which we believe will aid in increased long term user growth and retention.

The team is as driven as ever to deliver a product that revolutionises the way we interact with stock media and to support the creators who have been taken advantage of for too long. The belief in our decentralised model is stronger than ever following the disasters caused by centralisation in 2022 and we are extremely excited to roll our platform out over the coming months.

We encourage you to follow along and share Envision with anyone in your network, those who interact with stock or who could bring value to our community in any way.

We wish you all a happy new year and we look forward to sharing updates with you shortly.

Miles Bradley



Envision Writer
Envision Labs

Building the Web3 Creator Ecosystem where Multi-Modal AI agents fuel creativity and a 3D asset marketplace upholds creators rights.