Cannabis in the Workplace: FAQ for Employers

Brianna Blaney
Envol Strategies
Published in
2 min readNov 7, 2018

Cannabis legalization in Canada has many implications for employers with lingering uncertainties. We partnered with Brandon Hillis, an Employment & Labour Lawyer with Roper Greyell LLP, to answer your questions about cannabis in the workplace.

  1. What does the legalization of cannabis in Canada mean for employers?
  2. Is the law around cannabis the same across Canada?
  3. What are the key things that every employer should have in place now that cannabis is legal?
  4. Are my obligations as an employer different for recreational vs. medical cannabis use?
  5. What is an employer’s duty to accommodate for medical cannabis?
  6. Are employees obligated to inform their employer if they use cannabis recreationally?
  7. Can employees use cannabis recreationally before work, during their shift, or on a break?
  8. What do I do if I if I suspect that an employee is under the influence of cannabis at work?
  9. If I suspect an employee is under the influence of cannabis at work, can I conduct a drug test?
  10. How can an employer with a safety-sensitive work environment approach cannabis policies?
  11. How should an employer handle cannabis in the office & at company events?
  12. Now that cannabis is legal, do employers have to allow cannabis plants in the office?
  13. Should you drive under the influence of cannabis?
  14. For people thinking about applying for a job in the cannabis sector, should they be concerned?

Do you have additional questions? Contact us today!



Brianna Blaney
Envol Strategies

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