Cannabis Legalization for Employers: A Self-Help Guide

Aislinn Amory
Envol Strategies
Published in
2 min readOct 3, 2018

Cannabis is coming.

You already know. You might even already be freaking out.

The legalization of recreational marijuana in Canada is official effective October 17, 2018. Many organizations are anxious about the implications this will have in their workplace. Don’t worry, we have you covered.

Although only the medical use of marijuana has been legal to date, employers have been dealing with drug and alcohol issues in the workplace for many years. Approximately 22 percent of Canadian adults currently consume recreational cannabis, with numbers set to increase according to a recent study by Deloitte. Judging from our own “study” (i.e. walking down any Vancouver street), that 22 percent seems to be on the modest side.

Are you worried about what cannabis legalization means for your business? You’re not alone.

In a report by the Conference Board of Canada, it was found that over 50 percent of Canadian employers are concerned about the effects of cannabis legalization on the workplace. According to this report, the top three concerns for employers are:

  1. Workplace Safety
  2. Impairment or intoxication
  3. Increased use of cannabis both inside and outside the workplace

Other common concerns include the employer’s role in testing impairment, the cost of covering medical cannabis, and employee productivity and performance issues. With less than three weeks until D-Day, many organizations feel unprepared for handling cannabis legalization at work.

Regardless of your personal views on the legalization, change is coming and employers must respond accordingly. We recommend that employers take a balanced approach, otherwise you run the risk of grounds for discrimination against those who use marijuana for medical use.

It’s not all scary: For organizational leaders, the impending cannabis legalization presents an opportunity to reassess your culture and operations, and re-connect with your teams.

While these legislative changes may seem daunting, taking steps now to ensure your workplace is safe and productive means you’ll be ahead of the curve.

We have put together the top 3 things your organization can do to prepare for cannabis legalization. Download our Cannabis Legalization: A Self-Help Guide for Employers today!

(Because the last thing cannabis should be doing is causing you stress.)

