Case study: How Headspace uses Envoy to scale operations as they grow

Margot Leong
The Envoy Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2017

“As soon as we built our new office, I knew we needed Envoy. The service helps us scale operations as we grow, while retaining the same warm and welcoming vibe.”

— Francis Aquino, Workplace Experience Manager, Headspace

Since we started Envoy, we couldn’t be more proud that it’s now the choice of thousands of companies across the world, ranging from private companies like Pixar and Reddit; public companies like Yelp, Pandora, Box, and Shopify; and government contractors like Planet Labs. You’ll also find us in less expected fields, including legal, energy, construction, medical, education, and many more.

Whenever we can, we love digging a bit deeper into how our customers are using us. We recently spoke with Francis Aquino, Workplace Experience Manager at Headspace about the impact Envoy has had on their company’s operations.

The Challenge

Eighteen million Americans meditate, a spiritual practice research has shown can benefit memory, improve focus, and reduce stress, anxiety, and depression — and Headspace aims to make it a regular habit for everyone. Launched five years ago, Headspace is an app that doesn’t just to make meditation more accessible, it also reminds people to be more mindful throughout the day.

Here are some of the operational challenges they were facing:

  • With three million users in 150 countries, their mission is gaining traction, and the Headspace team has grown to match. Aquino says shouting across their new 20,000-square-foot office whenever a visitor arrives just isn’t an option. “Headspace started as a small company without a lot of visitors,” said Aquino. As they’ve gained popularity, their foot traffic has increased and they needed a way to scale up.
  • Headspace is sensitive about confidentiality and how it fits within their company culture. In the past, only contractors and short-term workers were asked to sign a NDA, but with the rise in visitors — and, like many open offices, ideas mapped out on communal white boards — Headspace wanted to make sure they were covered.

Envoy’s Solution

What Envoy brought to the table was a great fit for Headspace’s needs:

  • Envoy has allowed Headspace to scale operations as they’ve grown. “Envoy means less paperwork for our front desk coordinator, and it lets us retain a warm and welcoming feeling.”
  • Envoy’s NDA feature incorporates signing NDAs into the check-in process: every visitor is emailed the form after checking in, and all NDAs can readily be accessed through Envoy. “It beats keeping stacks of NDAs at the front desk and trying to keep track of all the physical copies.”
  • The ability to have multiple visitor types is another way Headspace can subtly showcase their culture. The feature allows for visitors to sign different NDAs based on why they’re visiting. “We adjusted our ‘Purpose of Visit’ types to include ‘Meeting,’ ‘Interview,’ and ‘Hanging Out’ — it’s very customized to fit us.”
  • Headspace has also tailored Envoy to fit their internal Bike Borrow program. Envoy’s NDA feature is completely customizable, which means you can insert other legal documents as well. When an employee wants to take a bike, they select “Bike Borrow” from the ‘Purpose of Visit’ list in Envoy and that specific waiver pops up for them sign. The system is so easy to use that more people are taking advantage of the bikes. “It’s easy to track the forms in Envoy’s dashboard, and it’s completely digital, so you don’t need to manually enter information or scan and upload a form.”

Interested in learning more?

  • Read Headspace’s full story in our case study.
  • If you’re interested in using Envoy to make sure you’re delivering a visitor experience as delightful as your brand, you can explore all of our features with a two-week free trial.

