How Envoy helps Sac New Tech High School go digital

The Envoy Blog
Published in
2 min readNov 12, 2015

This week we sat down with Kenneth Durham, Principal at Sacramento New Tech High School (SNTHS) to discuss how Envoy’s made a difference at his school.

Our first question — what inspired him to progress towards a digital sign-in system?

“It’s something we wanted New Tech to do, he says, because we’re living in a world and using technologies that we want to expose students to. This is an example of the real-world in a very appropriate use.”

Inspiring, Kenneth! Now we understand why your school wins awards — like the New Tech Network’s Award for School Justice.

So how has Envoy made an impact?

Envoy has helped New Tech press the reset button on flailing security systems.

When SNTHS used paper and pen, no one really signed in. Envoy’s novelty and wow-factor caused everyone to change their tune. “No one has questioned it, he says, everyone has embraced it.”

Plus, Kenneth’s a system’s thinker, Envoy helped to tighten school security and get the system working again.

And, the ease of use has changed his behavior to engage and monitor the school’s visitor data.

“When we had a big binder, I never went in and checked it. I had no clear picture of who was coming in. The ease of the dashboard and accessibility to it on any device has enabled me to improve my practice and stay informed about visitor traffic on our campus.”

So thanks Kenneth, for letting us know how Envoy’s made a difference, and for sitting down with us.


P.S. If you’re in the Sacramento area, check out #SacNewTech Art Show on December 10th, from 6–8 PM, or #newtechnetwork on Twitter.

