Tip of the Week: How to customize your host notification text

Margot Leong
The Envoy Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2017

Our Tip of the Week segment highlights some of the product features within Envoy that our customers have found very helpful. Enjoy!

With Envoy, you can send “host notifications” to let employees know when a visitor arrives to see them. When a visitor signs in on the iPad, the employee they select as their host will receive a notification via the following methods:

But there’s more! If you’re on our Premium or Enterprise plan, you can also customize the text in your notifications if you’d like to add more detail or specific information. Just follow the steps below:

How to customize the host notification text

  1. Go to Settings > Notifications.
  2. Under custom host notification text find host notification text and click “Enable.”
  3. Edit the host notification text as desired. You can include any of the following in your notification text. Just click “Variables” and insert the desired variable:
  • Visitor name
  • Host name
  • Company name (i.e., your company’s name)
  • Location name (i.e., the location where they sign in)

4. Click “Preview.” You’ll be able to see what your custom text will look like in different sign-in scenarios using different notification methods.

For more information, check out the full article in our help center.

