Tip Tuesday: Print visitor badges before your guests arrive

Margot Leong
The Envoy Blog
Published in
2 min readDec 6, 2016

Our Tip Tuesday segment highlights some of the product features within Envoy that our customers have found very helpful. Enjoy!

Signing in large groups of people can be tough. Whether it’s a visiting tour group or lobby full of visitors, one of the worst things that can happen is a traffic jam during check-in. At Envoy, we’re trying to make this process as seamless as possible.

If you print visitor badges, today’s tip is for you. With our invite feature, you have the ability to print badges in advance and lay them out before your visitors arrive, saving valuable time.

How to pre-print multiple badges

  1. Go to Dashboard > Invites.
  2. Locate the visitors for which you’d like to pre-print a badge. Click the box to the left of the their monogram. Or if you’re selecting all, simply click the box in the top bar.
  3. When the button appear, click “pre-print badges.”

Only need to print out a single badge? Just follow these instructions.

Learn more about visitor badges and printers

Our help section is a fantastic resource if you need help troubleshooting your printer, customizing badge design or reordering badges.

