Updates: Invite visitors from your calendar and more

Abby Beard
The Envoy Blog
Published in
3 min readJan 26, 2017

Bringing you the latest features and news from Envoy HQ.


Invite visitors directly from your calendar

Available on Premium and Enterprise Plans

Our pre-registration feature brings you a lot of benefits: You can send visitors an invite email, they can sign your NDA in advance, it helps you know who to expect and it speeds up sign in. Since there’s so much to gain by using pre-registration, we want it to be as easy as possible to create Envoy invites.

When you’re planning a meeting or interview, we know you’re often creating a calendar event with Google Calendar, Outlook, or another calendar app. And now, you can create Envoy invites directly from your calendar, too. It’s easy: Just add invite@envoy.com as an attendee to your calendar event, and you’ll be prompted to automatically create invites for your event attendees. Learn more about how to invite visitors from your calendar.

In just a few clicks, you can choose which event attendees get an Envoy invite.


Available on Enterprise Plans

Envoy’s features, like badge printing and visitor photos, have always helped you create a shared awareness of who’s authorized to be in your building—and now the blacklist feature can help you increase your on-site security even more.

If there are people you’d prefer to not have onsite, you can create a custom blacklist based on keywords. Anytime a sign-in matches a blacklisted keyword, specially appointed blacklist contacts will be notified. They’ll review the visitor’s details and approve or deny access into your building. If your blacklist contact denies access, the visitor’s badge will not print and their host notification will not be sent. Learn more about how to create your custom blacklist.

Blacklist contacts will log in to approve or deny access into your building.


Cisco Spark

Available on Premium and Enterprise Plans

With Cisco Spark, you can manage group messaging, screen sharing, video calls — and now your Envoy host notifications — all in one place. With the Envoy + Cisco Spark integration, Cisco Spark can truly be the communication hub for your office, since employees will receive a private Cisco Spark message every time a visitor arrives to see them. Learn more about our Cisco Spark integration.

Salesforce Chatter

Available on Premium and Enterprise Plans

With the Envoy + Salesforce Chatter integration, you have even more ways to alert your team when guests sign in. Just create a custom Chatter user, like Envoy or Front Desk, and employees will receive a private message from that user when their visitors arrive. Learn more about our Chatter integration.

Aerohive integration

Available on Enterprise Plans

The Envoy + Aerohive integration can help you automatically send guests an email or SMS with a unique Wi-Fi username and password. Learn more about our Aerohive integration.

