Patty Johnson-Vazquez
Envoy (formerly Visanow)
3 min readJul 15, 2016


5 HR software tools that dish out customer support as good as their tech

Nowadays, most human resources professionals use automation technology to accomplish their daily to-dos quickly and easily. But some HR departments worry that adopting new technology will mean automation replaces personalization — or worse, that customer support will be reduced to a robot on the other end of the line.

And it’s not uncommon. Some human resource information systems (HRIS) fail to provide a personal touch when it comes to answering questions and troubleshooting situations that arise.

But not all HR service providers fall into this bucket. Technology Advice’s 2015 HR Software Market Index Report reveals the top five highest rated HRIS in terms of service, measured by the company’s ability to provide quality technical support through a variety of methods including email, phone, web ticketing, instant chat, social media and online training resources.

Here’s a look at the top five:

1. PeopleMatter

Despite its relatively small market share, PeopleMatter received the highest service score (81.91) on the HR Software Market Index Report. The HRIS offers paperless onboarding, facilitates employer-created employee training programs and helps HR schedule meetings, and organize projects across job sites and offices. As for customer service praise, users say the company takes customer feedback seriously and makes improvements on the system based on their recommendations.

2. Jobvite

To help manage your recruitment needs, check out Jobvite, the second highest scorer (80.09) on the index report. The sourcing-to-onboarding tech provider also boasts the lowest cost-per-applicant and highest click-to-apply rate — and has a stellar support staff. Customers have multiple options for contacting Jobvite’s support team for questions. Additionally, they can stay updated on latest platform upgrades through its system status page.

3. iCIMS

Ranking next (78.09) is iCIMS, an applicant tracking system. Users tout it as a simple product suite that allows hiring managers to connect with job candidates, construct career portals and solicit personalized videos from candidates. iCIMS goes above and beyond with its support offerings with its free training resources, customer community forum and 24/5 help desk.

4. FinancialForce HCM

Next up is a cloud-based solution that supports your accounting, supply chain management and human capital management needs, Financial Force HCM (77.27). It’s built on the Salesforce platform, which makes it a natural resource for companies already using the CRM.

5. Halogen Talentspace

According to Technology Advice, Halogen often scores (76.00) well in customer satisfaction. While it’s a full-suite HRIS, the system also offers a module that facilitates employee-manager meetings with agenda prompts, has a note-taking tool and generates conversation starters. Halogen also has a customer success portal that tracks and manages inquiries fast and easily.


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Originally published at on July 15, 2016.



Patty Johnson-Vazquez
Envoy (formerly Visanow)

I write about immigration policy news, workplace diversity and recruitment strategies.