5 reasons your HR manager is actually a superhero

Patty Johnson-Vazquez
Envoy (formerly Visanow)
2 min readApr 28, 2016
  1. They recruit your future best friends.

Recruiters and HR managers work hard to find super-talented individuals who are also great cultural fits for the organization — so it’s not surprising that your coworkers turn out to be your very best pals.

2. They show up when you need them the most.

Having a bad day at work? Talk to HR. Have a tough question about health care benefits? Talk to HR. Your HR manager is always there to save the day.

3. They perform superhuman tasks.

Managing the immigration process can be tough. But every day, HR professionals are uploading documents, answering questions and keeping track of deadlines to ensure they can bring in top talent from around the world to give your company a competitive edge.

4. They keep the bad guys in line.

Through company policy accountability, anti-discrimination training and performance reviews, any bad seeds are filtered out so the best and brightest can thrive.

5. They build a better world.

In the workplace microcosm, HR managers dedicate themselves to building a dynamic and positive company culture through happy hours, outings and catered lunch.

For more HR love and immigration tips, visit our blog.



Patty Johnson-Vazquez
Envoy (formerly Visanow)

I write about immigration policy news, workplace diversity and recruitment strategies.