New release: Convert accounts and contacts to leads in Salesforce

Eugene Vabishchevich
Published in
2 min readJan 26, 2022

The main feature of the new release is the ability to convert accounts and contacts to leads. Sometimes you can convert many leads by a mistake or just want to make a lead for an existing client. By default, it’s not possible in Salesforce but you can use Blink.

Custom fields mapping currently is not supported

Single convert account and contact(s) to lead

To convert account and contact(s) to lead add the button “Blink Convert to Lead” to the page layout (“Blink Convert to Lead (Classic)”) in case of using Classic UI).

On the account record click “Blink Convert to Lead” button. Select Lead Status and Lead Owner. If you want to delete account and contact — pick the appropriate checkbox. It’s also possible to move your activities.

If you have more than one contact in the account record the system will create a lead record for each contact.

Mass convert accounts and contacts to leads

Mass convert process is also available for many accounts. First, you need to add the “Blink Convert All to Leads” to the account list view. More details you can find in our help center.

Select accounts to want to convert to leads and click “Blink Convert All to Leads”. Review your selection and click “Convert to Leads”.

Work in progress

🧳 Update details in mass lead convert

🍪 Add custom fields mapping to the account to lead convert

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