New release: move lead related objects, notification on completed mass lead convert process in Salesforce

Koptik Dima
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2021

The 1.8.0 Blink version is our big release. It has two main features:

  • related lists associated with the Lead can be moved automatically to Account, Contact, Opportunity, or custom object
  • the user can receive bell and email notifications at the end of the mass conversion process.

Lead Related Objects Mapping

We added the option to the Blink settings to choose which related objects should be moved to which target object.

For example, custom object Offer is related to Lead. The system will check if Account, Contact, Opportunity, or custom object have relationships with the Offer object. Then a user can tick checkboxes to move Lead related Offer records to target objects upon conversion. Info message is displayed to highlight the Offer object has no relationships with Contact and Opportunity.

Map Lead related objects to Account, Contact, Opportunity

User Notification after Mass Lead Conversion Process

Because lead mass conversion process can take time, we decided to add notification when the process is completed. In Salesforce see the notification bell. Also, a separate email will be sent as well.

Bell notification after Lead conversion

Work in progress

🔙 Convert account and contacts back to leads

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