Introducing Gorilla Funds

Gorilla Funds
Published in
3 min readNov 19, 2019

Hello, I’m Jakob Sievers, developer of Gorilla Funds, a new project which aims to make investing and redeeming in Melon Funds as easy as possible. Gorilla Funds is an early stage, work in progress, but in what follows I want to explain what Gorilla Funds is all about and where I want to take it.

The basic idea behind Gorilla Funds is:

One page, one fund — Every active fund on the Melon network has its own page on Gorilla Funds with all the necessary information, a clear overview and an easy UI just for investing and redeeming. One page and two buttons. After all, easy should be easy.

The other central idea underpinning Gorilla Funds is information.
Anyone who wants to know more about a fund manager, or the
investment strategy being deployed, should be able to do so. So, with
Gorilla Funds, every fund manager is able to visit their own fund page
and add information about themselves, their background and
qualifications, their investment strategy and any other information they
think is relevant to potential investors — together with Invest/Redeem
options. This means that any potential investor can simply look through
this information and decide which Melon fund is right for them.
To provide this information all the fund manager has to do is visit their
fund page on the Gorilla Funds website, click the ‘more’ button and use
their fund manager address to login into a wordpress-site via their
Metamask account. If any fund manager posts in the manager/strategy
category their post will be visible on the website after the next rebuild of
the site.

Even though it’s a little rudimentary at the moment, I’d be really happy if
Melon fund managers wanted to try this functionality. If you’d like to
have a go then please visit the site here and give it a try. Investing and Redeeming is deactivated at the moment.

I am building Gorilla Funds because I’m a DeFi-maximalist. I’ve been following the evolution of the Melon Protocol since the beginning and am personally convinced that the success of this protocol is inevitable. When the Kyber DeFi Hackathon came along I couldn’t help but get involved and try to build something. I’m really delighted to be a winner in the Melon Best Use Case category.

Where I want to take Gorilla Funds.

In the next few weeks I will publish the first fully functional and battle-tested version of Gorilla Funds. My first goal is to make Gorilla Funds as useable as possible. But that’s just the beginning. I am totally amazed by what is possible with the Melon Protocol and I can’t stop dreaming and building.

In my dreams every bank, every financial service provider and every financial advisor offers Crypto Funds.

But how and where will they do this? My best bet is that they will do this
via their own company websites and that their crypto funds will be
managed by employees. But to do this, they will need a protocol to enable them to set up crypto funds (Melon Protocol), a software to easily interact with the funds (e.g. Avantgarde-UI) and software to filter out the relevant funds that they want to show to their customers (Gorilla Funds). Each of these will need to be easily integrated into their existing websites. A framework, highly customizable, but easy to use: That’s the plan.

That’s the goal and long-term mission of Gorilla Funds.

To achieve this and make that dream a reality, I will be making a Melon Funding Proposal to the Melon Council in the next few months.

If there is anyone out there who wants to helpme to achieve this mission, don’t hesitate to contact me via Twitter @GorillaFunds.



Gorilla Funds
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Your gateway to Crypto Funds living on the blockchain