Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

Proposal the second…

Gorilla Funds


and with a strong partner on board.

It’s now nearly one year ago, that Gorilla Funds has submitted an initial proposal for building the Gorilla Funds Fund Page Builder. With the occurrence of corona and the crypto winter I got cold feet. I was unsure if I can deliver what I proposed to deliver. Especially because I did not have additional sources of funding. So, I stepped back from the proposal. I asked the (that point in time) Melon DAO, to postpone the decision of the proposal — as I did not think the time was right. But this did not mean that I stepped back from my ideas about Gorilla Funds in the Enzyme ecosystem. I, still believe, that every fund manager needs to have an easy to set up web page to his fund with the option to invest and redeem.

So, I decided to build the product before asking for funding — in endless nights and weekends while working in my day job. I am happy to say that I succeeded and build what I proposed as a Proof of Concept. The Fund Page Builder is working and will allow Fund Managers all over the world to easily set up a suitable Fund Page (as I call them — perhaps Vault Page in the near future ;-)). This Fund Page Builder will allow fund managers (now vault managers) to set up a Fund Page and-, to choose between templates that define the look and feel of the side. It will allow fund/vault managers to add additional features to their site as an authentication service, an identity provider or a fiat to crypto bridge. Also, every fund manager will be able to decide which fund is shown on what page — just from the backend — to categorize their own funds or make a selection what fund/vault is shown on it’s Front Page. Naturally the content can easily be changed, as every Front End has it’s own Content Management System in the background.

With crypto spring arriving, I decided that it is time to find a strong partner who helps me to work this out, and meet the necessary industry standards. I was able to partner with Zühlke Group a leading technology services provider. In the past they worked on thousands of complex projects and always stayed up to date with thechnological and social developements. Amongs others they have proven their skills by developing the Corona app for the NHS (UK) in just 12 weeks. In addition, they have experience with blockchain and DLT technology — to name two examples Zühlke accelerated the construction of a crypto platform and, developed a smart contract framework.

So, I have a strong partner on board who helps me to deliver what I always wanted to deliver:

The Fund Page Builder — highly secure and scalable.

But that’s just the beginning:

After delivering the Version 1.0 of the Fund Page Builder, I will enhance the Builder in the following way:

The Version 2.0 of the Fund Page Builder will allow developers to integrate built templates and components to the Fund Page Builder. If their templates are used, they will get a share of the revenue that the web page generates. So, the platform will help other developers to generate a stream of income by working within the enzyme ecosystem.

Hereby I ask the Enzyme community to support the proposal to build the Fund Page Builder, as described in the proposal that you can review here. Gorilla Funds will provide additional 90000€ to the development of this industry grade Fund Page Builder. This will help to expand the reach of the enzyme protocol, by delivering further front ends, that can be customized and where the content can be controlled by the Fund Manager.

Last but not least I am very proud to announce, that I will go full crypto starting April the first. Because crypto matters. More than most imagine — just my two Cents.

