How to Promote NFT on Twitter for Growth & Sales — Eon8

When it comes to effective social media marketing at a nominal cost to gain more brand awareness and sales, it is a great idea to promote NFT on Twitter. You can improve your brand visibility and build a community for your NFT launch by engaging in such activities. Using Twitter as a marketing tool for your business is also a great idea to accelerate your sales.

It isn’t just about which services are available on Twitter. How you use them and how much you can extract out of your marketing budget matters. Partner with an experienced agency to make the most of the features available on Twitter to create specific content. Here are some reasons why Twitter will significantly benefit your business and which strategies will work to maximize your success rates!

The importance of community building

It is vital to building a community around your NFTs if you want your project to succeed. Without a strong community backing your project, there is no use in how good your collection is! You need people to stay loyal to your brand and eager to check out your new launches. The best places to maintain a community are on Discord and Twitter, owing to the quality of direct interactions you can have on these platforms. They are the ideal platforms for understanding your audience’s preferences and curating personalized content to attract them.

Use your brand’s voice to understand your audience.

If you are launching your very first NFT, it makes sense that you won’t yet have a strong follower base. Your focus should increase awareness through interactions, communication, and frequent engagement. Twitter Spaces is a great way to establish your brand voice and broaden your reach on Twitter. The success of an NFT project depends upon the community surrounding it. You could even say that your NFTs will have no value without a strong community!

Hence, it is paramount to position yourself as a strong and welcoming community leader.

  • Join popular Twitter spaces and listen to what other creators have to share
  • Join an eminent space as a speaker
  • Be a part of a session and collaborate as a co-host
  • Create your own space as a host and share your insights
  • Listen! Listen to your audience and what insights they have to share about your NFTs. Use their feedback to know their preferences and improve your NFT collection

Add credibility to your project and convince NFT fans that your collection is capable of becoming the next big thing to look out for! It is also a great way to prompt engagement and interaction.

Bring in your A-game for engagement.

Interactions are very important to create a rapport with your audience, and with similar pages, you can collaborate. Network consistently is one of the best (and organic) ways to reach potential investors for your NFTs and deepen your connections with existing users. You can achieve good interactions by:

For example, you can create a giveaway or bounty program to share your NFTs with collectors. This will improve your visibility in the community and broaden your reach. Enhance your reach by tweeting threads.

Create value for your NFTs with interactive threads

Creating long-form Twitter threads is a great way to promote NFT on Twitter. It also leads to an increase in followers. Some popular threads could be based on:

These are all great ways to create value for your NFT collection and invest in new connections. You can project yourself as a welcoming space that facilitates discussions and educates the crowd to make informed investments.

Broaden your follower base with Twitter Parties

Another popular way to promote on Twitter is Twitter parties. These are scheduled chats on Twitter wherein the host tweets from a script and asks questions openly to engage actively with whoever is logged in. It is an interesting way to broaden your follower base and encourage more people to follow you.

  • Specific questions are given to guests, and they have to participate actively.
  • A designated hashtag is given to guests, and they have to answer using them.
  • Guests are even given prizes to encourage more participation. This could be in the form of assets, ETH, or even early access to your next NFT collection drop.

Collab and Promote your NFTs on Twitter

Collaborating with an experienced agency will get you trending strategies to promote NFT on Twitter. Contact us to know all about NFT Twitter marketing and how to accelerate your digital brand awareness.

Originally published at on April 23, 2022.



Melissa James🐱‍💻
Eon8 | The Digital Infinity📣

Helping to create a new marketing strategy for blockchain, crypto, and NFT projects. I work to “Create Value more than Hype.🚀”