Your NFT Marketing & Promotion Destination — Eon8

NFT Marketing and Promotion

The popularity of NFT or Non-Fungible Tokens is growing every day, with new content creators and buyers joining the NFT world. There is no doubt that the ability to create and sell artwork, video, image, and game artifacts digitally has heavily contributed to the growth of NFTs. With every passing day, creators find new NFT marketing and promotion strategies to engage their target audience.

According to a famous NFT marketer Brett Malinowski, 80% of NFT creators are unaware of promoting their NFTs to attract top buyers.

So, are you traveling in the same boat, and you’re worried about your NFT growth? You have landed at the right place. Being the leader of the NFT marketing services we help you in growing the value of your NFTs.

In this blog, we will share the pro tips to decode the best NFT marketing and promotion strategy. So, let’s get started.

What is NFT and How To Promote it?

NFTs or Non-Fungible Tokens are digital assets based on blockchain technology. The majority of the population from the millennial generation has showcased an immense interest in trading NFTs. One of the prominent reasons behind the popularity of the NFTs is they give the owners satisfaction and pride in owning irrespective of whether it is a famous artwork or a digital picture of their favorite pop star.

On the other hand, NFT promotion is an organic way of driving crypto-investors to your NFT by creating much-needed exposure vital for your NFT. Moreover, the NFT world is also not limited to crypto investors as diverse collectors, artists, traders, and developers have showcased an interest in shopping, collecting, and reselling NFTs. There is no doubt that you don’t want to settle with the minimum value for all the hard work that you have done while creating your first NFT collection; therefore, opt for the best NFT marketing solutions to promote your NFT.

How To Plan Your NFT Marketing & Promotion Strategy?

NFT marketing and promotion strategy is essential for all NFT creators and entrepreneurs who want to deploy their NFT in a highly-competitive environment. Your NFT marketing strategy will also decide the future of your NFT venture, and you will come to know whether your NFT craze is for the long-term or a passing cloud.

So, creating your NFT is not the only headache, effectively. Going with all guns blazing in the NFT world without appropriate promotional strategies can invite counter-attacks that you cannot defend. Therefore, be smart and select the best nft marketing expert for your NFT collection.

How to Add Value To Your NFT?

Undoubtedly, no NFT investor or NFT collector would take pride in purchasing an NFT which has zero value. When it comes to adding value to your NFT you must have well-defined utilities and follow reliable community building strategies to drive engagement for your project.

As mentioned above, NFT is all about engagement and craze; therefore, you will have to make your NFT popular to ensure that some of the top investors in the NFT world get interested in investing in your NFT project.

Here’s how you can create engagement for your NFT project.

NFT Marketing Services

Creating hype about your NFT project:

In the world of NFT, it is essential to convey your message in a short and sweet tone. Although it is hard to find the best way to communicate your NFT in two sentences, doing so will create hype and effectively promote your NFT.

So, focusing on audience engagement is necessary for promoting your NFT and winning the majority of sales in the market.

PR Promotion:

The more the media write about your NFT project, the better you will be known by the NFT audience. You can go with paid publications, articles, and media interviews and take full advantage of their audience to promote your NFT project. On top of everything else, you will also have to focus on crypto media for NFT PR promotion, where you can find your prospective buyers.

Blogs Promotion:

If you want your NFT to create bid wars among the top crypto investors, you will have to hit the market with an effective content marketing strategy that can help you win the market. You can promote your NFT through blogging or ask your NFT marketing agency to develop the best NFT blog strategy to promote your NFT across all the platforms.


Once you start gaining audience engagement, it is now the right time to convert your audience into loyal advocates. You can either go with newsletters or e-mail marketing to increase your reach via news or e-mail.

Video Creation and Marketing:

There is no doubt that videos have the power of engaging your target audience. Therefore, you will have to launch your NFT project through the best video trailers.

For example, Metaverse launched their NFT trailer on “3d models in just 30 seconds which engaged 250,000 people within their trailer”. There is no doubt the trailer helped them create bid wars among a large audience, which in turn helped them sell their NFT.

AMA Sessions for NFT:

AMA or Ask Me Anything Sessions also add considerable value to your NFT as your audience can clear all their doubts about the NFT project. The ultimate goal of the AMA sessions is to introduce the project to your NFT. You can engage your community with the help of a wide range of features. You can make your AMA engaging by giving rewards or attractive giveaways to your customers.

Website Creation:

A robust website or an NFT landing page will add to the credibility of your NFT project. Building a simple UI/UX website will ensure that you have a sustainable digital presence where your NFT investors can get the details about your project, utilities, and the road map of your NFT project.

SEO or Search Engine Optimization:

How can we miss out on talking about SEO or search engine optimization when discussing websites and user interfaces? Without any doubt, your NFT marketing agency must use white hat SEO techniques to uplift the rankings of your NFT project on both Google and the NFT marketplace. Using the right SEO techniques can bring a lot of difference; therefore, you must not miss out on taking full advantage of using SEO for your NFT project.

Paid Advertisements:

Well, you will meet a lot of experienced internet marketers who will explain to you the advantage of going with paid advertisements as it will improve your rankings and popularity among your fan base. There are a lot of platforms where you can get paid, but for NFT projects, it is highly recommended to go with Facebook, bing, Twitter, Discord, and Instagram, respectively.

Influencer Marketing:

The NFT market is dense; hence, many people are confused about buying and selling NFTs; therefore, NFT influencer marketing becomes paramount when communicating with your target audience. Eon8 has partnered with various official influencers with a huge fan base, making us a perfect destination for NFT marketing.

NFT Calendar:

You can submit your NFT in the NFT calendar, designed for all the artists and NFT investors, as they don’t have to surf several websites or marketplaces to find the NFT collection where they want to invest. If NFT investors are fascinated by your collection, they would love to invest in your NFT immediately.

Where can I promote my NFT?

There are a lot of platforms available out there to promote your NFT collection; therefore, you cannot stick to a single platform for promotion. You can build your community on platforms like,

Here is a comprehensive guide on promoting your NFT on the internet.

NFT Discord Promotion:

Discord is one of the most influential platforms for crypto influencers and traders; therefore, you can ask your NFT marketing team to set up a discord server to promote your NFT collections effectively on discord. You can create unlimited servers, integrate your youtube videos with your discord server, and promote your NFT among your target audience. You have to partner with an NFT marketing agency to help you with nft community management on discord.

NFT Twitter Promotion

As twitter believes that it sees everything first, you will have to agree with it, and you will have to launch your NFT feed to spread your NFT like a wildfire. You can ask your fans to pin down what they are excited about or their thoughts on your NFT project. There is a lot you can do on nft promotion on twitter.

NFT Instagram Promotion

Instagram is one of those apps where most people from the millennial generation spend the majority of their time. You can also find a lot of crypto investors on the platform; therefore, you can add Instagram to your NFT marketing campaign to achieve your goals and make your NFT popular on the internet.

Reddit and Telegram:

If you want to become popular in the NFT world, you will have to keep in touch with social networks like Telegram and Reddit. We would like to clarify that NFT is not all crypto investors but also for the general audience; therefore, it would be great if you could use Telegram and Reddit to give the general audience the value of a digital art world.

What are the benefits of hiring Eon8 for NFT marketing and promotion?

Your search for the best NFT marketing comes to an end as we at Eon8 can help you with our extensive range of NFT marketing services. Here are some of the advantages of selecting our NFT marketing premium package.

We at Eon8 can help you create fantastic and eye-catching trailers that can increase the demand for your NFT in the NFT Marketplace.

Creating hype in different communities helps you in getting invaluable feedback.

So, how will you create your buzz around different communities out there?

Eon8 can help you create engagement around different platforms by constantly maintaining your digital presence and bringing a fresh look to the market.

We manage your NFT marketplace and NFT listings.

Without any doubt, there are so many NFT marketplaces like Rarible, Open Sea, and BeyondLife, where you can buy and sell NFTs. Being the leading NFT marketing company, we can help you find the best NFT marketplace that suits your NFT. You can either use all the NFT marketplaces or find the most important ones for your NFT promotion.


Marketing is essential for NFT promotion and engaging the target audience and potential buyers within your NFT collection. In the highly-competitive environment listing your NFT in a popular marketplace like rarible is not enough. It would be best if you had a reliable NFT marketing agency at your back for promotion and NFT advertising. We at Eon8 are committed to turning your NFT dream into reality with our innovative marketing strategies.

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Originally published at on February 15, 2022.



Melissa James🐱‍💻
Eon8 | The Digital Infinity📣

Helping to create a new marketing strategy for blockchain, crypto, and NFT projects. I work to “Create Value more than Hype.🚀”