Trending use cases of GPT-3 by openAI

Future of AI

Eoraa & Co.
5 min readAug 23, 2021


Recently there’s been a great deal of hype and excitement about GPT-3 and how it will change the world. GPT-3( Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is an autoregressive language model — it’s an AI which is better at creating content.

Although GPT-3 is one of the largest artificial intelligence language model ever but it can do a lot more than just autocompletion of phrases.

So, let’s talk about some of the amazing uses and applications of GPT-3 that illustrate its immense potential.

1. Designer

Here’s an awesome integration of GPT-3 and Figma plugin to automatically generate beautiful website templates. The developer describes the template in the form of text and GPT-3 will help us to automatically generates the beautiful application. Here’s an example for the same:

“An application which has a navigation bar with a camera icon, “Photos” heading, & a chat icon. Add a feed of photos & each of the photo must have a user icon, a photo, & a chat icon”

The Resume Creator

The task of creating an efficient and concise resume for job interviews is a big challenge for job seekers. GPT-3 can help us in building standout resumes. All you need to do is write your description and it will provide you with concise points to add value to your resume.

Object use-case generation

Here’s an interesting example of GPT-3 which tell us what are the possible use-cases or the things that can be done with an inputted object.

Code Oracle

GPT-3 can not only be used for code generation but can also be used for code comprehension. Here’s an example where GPT-3 comprehends the code written in Python language in detail.

JSX Layout Maker

Here’s an example where GPT-3 can help us generate a JSX layout just by describing the layout in simple plain English text:

Regex Generator

GPT-3 is also capable of generating Regex. Once the user inputs the Regex they want in plain English and provide an example string that will match, it will generates the Regex in few seconds.


GPT-3 can be used to generate charts and plots based on description entered by the user. Here, it uses SVG charts to produce detailed charts.

Quiz Producer

GPT-3 can be an awesome helper for generating Quizzes automatically for practice on any topics and can also explains the answers to these questions in detail.

The AI recursion

Can you imagine Machine Learning models start writing different Machine learning models? It sounds unrealistic right, but it’s true now GPT-3 can write ML models for specific tasks and datasets. Here’s an example, where user describes the dataset and the required output and GPT-3 helps us in generating code for an ML model.

The LaTeX Fabricator

While writing complex equations LaTeX can be quite tiresome , but GPT-3 comes to the rescue for this mundane task. All you need to do is to describe an equation in plain English, and it will produce the LaTeX equations automatically.

The Animator

GPT-3 can also help us generate frame-by-frame animations using the text promp and a Figma plugin.

Change writing style

GPT-3 can change normal text and mould them into a different style. For instance, you can provide a plain text “I don’t know who the 10 people really are yet they are all to blame” and ask the model to change into ‘legal language’. Similarly you can use GPT-3 for writing emails, changing the tone from informal to formal, or even write up essays in the specific format — narrative, descriptive or persuasive etc.

Wrapping up

GPT-3 is amazing , and it’s output undeniably seems a step forward .There are so many use-cases and applications where GPT-3 can be used. Artificial Intelligence is our future, and the possibilities truly seem limitless. It’s important that we don’t fall behind and miss out on these fun, incredible tools.

Happy learning!

