Introducing a Date Filter, Hyperion, dfuse and much more on your Favorite Block Explorer —

EOS Cafe Block
Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2019

EOS Cafe Block and HKEOS are very excited to announce the addition of new features on We have taken the time to test the new features on the Jungle testnet and are finally ready to present them to the community. is the fastest and most advanced block explorer, so we want to make sure we’re constantly improving the user experience for the community as user experience is key to mass adoption.

Why did we decide to build these features?

After hearing feedback from the community, we have recognized the problems many users face with history and see a tremendous amount of interest in adding various history types. By popular demand, we have added five different history modes including Hyperion, dfuse, ES, Native and Mongo, which have been seamlessly integrated behind the scenes to provide the best user experience. is the first app to support all history types. Now let’s take a deeper dive into all the new features.

Action filtering and token filtering for Hyperion and dfuse now search through your entire history. The newly added fivehistory types are EOS Canada dfuse, EOS Rio Hyperion, Greymass/EOS Sweden Native History, EOS Tribe Elasticsearch, Cryptolions Mongo, and more to come in the future.
- Adds redundancy, and no major reliance on a single API
- Unique deep filtering features through dfuse and Hyperion API
- Unique date range features through elastic search
- Native history API provides pagination

- Search history by date range
- Search entire history for actions
- Search entire history for tokens

We hope that our latest developments will be well received by the community. As we continue to roll out new features to create an intuitive user experience, we would love to hear from you, the community! Connect with us on Social media or on Telegram to share your ideas for improvements and tell us about your experience.



EOS Cafe Block

Leading Block Producer for the EOS blockchain. Our goal is to make blockchain technology simple and easy to use.