EOS Network Foundation

A New Genesis for the EOS Ecosystem

The future for EOS has never been brighter.

EOS Network Foundation
EOS Foundation


Korean and Chinese text is available following the English Version.

When announcing my plans to launch the EOS Network Foundation (ENF) in August, I made a commitment to bring a level of organization and coordination to EOS that simply didn’t exist before to position the EOS ecosystem towards the future, essentially rebuilding a vision that has largely been lost over the last couple of years. I also made commitments to become the voice of the EOS network as its representative leader to the wider blockchain ecosystem and to drive EOS towards a unified vision under the stewardship of the ENF.

In just three months since making my first formal announcement, I believe that we have entered a new genesis for EOS. We still have a long way to go, but the progress we’ve already made has been inspiring. We will continue to work together as a community, in parallel, as we work towards achieving our collective goals. The future for EOS has never been brighter.

EOS Network Foundation Virtual Event for Chinese Media and KOLs

On November 3, the ENF organized its first formal meeting with the EOS community since the Foundation launched. It was hosted as an invite-only event exclusive to the Chinese media and key opinion leaders. At this event we introduced the ENF, discussed the current state of EOS, our long term vision for EOS and roadmap for achieving it, core EOSIO development, and more.

Rather than recapping the event in this blog update, I encourage you all to watch it in its entirety to capture the full perspective of everything that was presented and discussed.

Based on the feedback received and the overall success from this virtual event, we anticipate that we will host more events like this in the future that will be open to the entire EOS community and wider blockchain ecosystem.

Watch the Entire Presentation from the Virtual Event

External Media Coverage

For the first time in a long time, the media was covering and actively discussing EOS in a mostly positive way. It received coverage from major publications such as Yahoo Finance, CoinTelegraph, CoinDesk, and more. Over 40 different articles and videos were published covering EOS following the ENF virtual event. Although some of the coverage may have been less-than-favorable or missed a little bit of context over what has been transpiring within EOS, two things were well understood and made crystal clear to the wider blockchain community:

  1. EOS is most certainly not dead.
  2. EOS is not Block.one.

EOS is an ever evolving ecosystem that for the very first time in its history has leadership, coordination, organization, and pooled resources to fund its ecosystem growth. We’re moving in a positive direction and the wins keep on adding up.

$1.3m ENF Recognition Grants for Wave 3 & 4

While on the topic of winning, I’d like to congratulate the thirteen projects that were selected for $100k ENF recognition grants for the third and fourth waves. Since late September, the ENF has been awarding dozens of projects with recognition grants for supporting EOS throughout some of the more difficult times over the years. Earlier this week, the ENF distributed its third wave of grants covering the projects that are laying the foundations for play-to-earn, social, and gaming on EOS.

Today, I am excited to announce the fourth wave of grant recipients, which cover projects and business in the categories of developer tooling and auditors. EOS would not be where it is today without these dedicated teams who have added an immeasurable amount of value to the network over the years. Formal recognition for their work is way past due and I’d like to personally thank and congratulate each and every one of them.

Wave Three: Gaming + Social

  • ChallengeDAC — Social application launched at EOS genesis for social and geo challenges to be created and completed that allow users to earn cryptocurrencies.
  • Emanate — Audio Exchange Protocol designed to facilitate instant value exchange and agreements between musicians, listeners and other actors in the music industry.
  • Crypto Dynasty — Play-to-Earn RPG and PvP trading game on EOS and Ethereum.
  • Liquiid — Development company specializing in EOSIO game development. The creators of libraries and SDKs including Anchor for Unity3D, Atomic Assets API Client, a .NET and Unity3D-compatible API client for Hyperion History APIs, and a dfuse enabled WebIDE.
  • BountyBlok — Blockchain powered gamification engine powering third-party applications to create challenges and tasks that utilize gaming mechanics to motivate and promote user engagement for their userbases.
  • ProspectorsThe first MMO play-to-earn game on EOS offering real-time economic strategy with a fully user-generated economy.

Wave Four: Developer Tooling + Auditors

  • Sentnl — Blockchain auditing firm specializing in penetration testing, wallet security audits, and smart contract audits for EOSIO blockchains.
  • SlowmistBlockchain security company offering solutions that include security audit, threat intelligence (BTI), bug bounty, defense deployment, security consultancy, and other services for EOSIO projects.
  • Aloha EOS ToolsDevelopers of useful tooling for visualizing on-chain data such as block producer performance and reliability metrics.
  • Jungle TestnetInitiated by CryptoLions, Jungle has served as a sandbox for many development teams and EOS Block Producers since the birth of EOSIO.
  • EOS PowerupEOS Powerup offers a frontend, Discord and Telegram bots for making it simple to manage user resources under the new resource model.
  • EOS Authority DashboardOne of the most robust and comprehensive explorers for the EOS ecosystem that offers unique features such as account alert notifications and in-depth on-chain analysis tools.
  • EOS StudioGraphic IDE for developing decentralized applications (dApps) on the EOSIO blockchain.

Previous Recognition Grant Recipients

Wave One: Media + Community + NFT

  • EOS Go — Launched in 2017, EOS Go has served as the most consistent news source for the EOS community with all of its content being published in both English and Chinese.
  • ByWire News — A publishing platform and new aggregator whose content is stored in IPFS and hashed to the EOS public blockchain. It’s user account system leverages full EOS accounts that provide gamification, rewards, boosting, and eventually democratic oversight.
  • Atomic Assets — The EOSIO standard for Non Fungible Tokens. Atomic Assets makes it easy for anyone on EOS to generate NFTs which can be bought and sold in the Atomic Hub marketplace.
  • Finney.World — Finney is a cryptocurrency mascot for a multi-chain community-driven NFT collection originally launched on EOS that serves as an incentive layer for community content creation and engagement.
  • Koreos — An early DAO and one of the first South Korean EOS communities. Koreos consistently provides value to its community by serving as a communication bridge to the West by providing translations of EOS content written or spoken in English.
  • EOS Microloan — An EOS powered socioeconomic system where unbanked participants are building a new economy, based on the creation of liquidity and opportunities for businesses and customers.

Wave Two: DeFi + Interoperability

  • PIZZA Finance — PIZZA is a decentralized financial network on EOS with multi DeFi-related products including USDE stable-coin, Swap Aggregator, DEX, leveraged tokens, and their core decentralized lending product.
  • DefiBox — Professional one-stop DeFi application platform on EOS with $120m of TVL. Currently offers swap, USN stablecoin generation, lending, borrowing, and DAO governance.
  • Vigor — Vigor is a decentralized borrowing and lending protocol built by the Vigor DAC.
  • Equilibrium — Built EOS’s first dollar-pegged currency that leverages underlying EOS and BTC collateral. One of the earliest DeFi products to utilize voter rewards to offset interest rates.
  • Defis Network — An open-source series of DeFi protocolsAMM Swaps, Algorithmic Stablecoin, Synthetics, Cross-Chain Pegs (ETH), Mining Pool
  • SOVDEX — An algorithmic DEX with trading, mining, and CPU atomic swaps. The SOV team also developed the first variable rate self-deflationary token on EOS.
  • eCurve — eCurve is an exchange liquidity pool on EOS modeled after Curve on Ethereum. It is designed for extremely efficient stablecoin trading and low risk, supplemental fee income for liquidity providers.
  • Newdex — One of the original and most popular DEX on EOS. Features a hybrid order book that aggregates limit order matching with AMM swap pools to maximize liquidity depth.
  • DAPP Network — The DAPP Network is a universal bridging framework and suite of middleware services to help scale decentralized applications and enable blockchain interoperability between EOSIO and EVM-based blockchains.
  • pNetwork — Creators of the pTokens, which are 1:1 pegged to assets on 10+ blockchains including EOS. The pToken bridge enables assets such as pETH and pBTC to be transferred from their native chains to EOS where it can be used in DeFi.
  • Organix — Synthetic assets issuance and trading protocol on EOS.

7th Board Member Selected for the ENF Board of Advisors

The ENF Board of Advisors (BoA) are responsible for providing the Foundation with critical feedback and advice on its overall direction. The BoA have exceptionally strong business acumen, incomparable data access, and have a very strong overall understanding of EOS which is required when providing advice to the ENF core. The Board is also responsible for reviewing grant and sponsorship proposals and providing critical feedback and overall direction to the ENF.

Since launching the Foundation with 6 genesis board members, I had been actively seeking out and interviewing potential candidates to fill the 7th advisory board seat. After surveying the EOS community and the larger blockchain ecosystem, I am pleased to report back that I have found the right candidate to fill the final vacant seat on the board. The ENF and its board have recently offered Damian Byon, former CCO of ITAM games and Korean block producer AcroEOS, to fill this role and he has accepted. Damian has already provided very valuable strategic advice and support since joining the ENF board.

ENF Board of Advisors

  • Damian Byon, former CCO of ITAM Games and AcroEOS
  • Aaron Cox, founder of Greymass
  • Dafeng Guo, founder of EOS Asia and Strikingly
  • Fu Pan, founder and CEO of TockenPocket
  • Peter Watt, Newdex Project Leader
  • Van Kai, iconic founder and leader of the EOS Cannon community
  • Wen Huaqiang, veteran developer and initiator of CryptoKylin

Pomelo is Now Open for Grant Proposals and Contributions

Pomelo recently announced that they would be launching Season 1 on November 7 with $500,000 in the matching pool donated by the EOS Network Foundation. This past Sunday, the first season officially began and we’ve already seen 50+ proposals submitted by community members and teams pitching their ideas for public goods to the wider EOS ecosystem.

I believe that Pomelo will be a very powerful tool for pushing EOS forward by funding and empowering hundreds and eventually thousands of individuals to be incentivized to work within the EOS ecosystem. Now anyone in the EOS community is able to request funding for any kind of public goods including marketing, open source code, community building, education, hosting events, hackathons, and other value adds for EOS. Pomelo is a core pillar of the ENF and will play a vital role in the EOS ecosystem moving forward. To learn more about what this means for the EOS community, please see my post on Creating Positive Sum Games for Public Goods on EOS.

ENF Officially Migrates Community to EOS Discord

The EOS community Discord server went live recently and has already reached 1400+ members with continued growth each day. Providing a great user and top of funnel experience for new community members is paramount to EOS’s success as a growing ecosystem. By providing community members with access to organized discussion channels by topic, advanced bot integrations, threaded conversations, VoIP chats, EOS customer support and user resources all under one roof, Discord has many clear advantages over Telegram.

Join the EOS Discord Channel

The EOS community has largely been gathering in Telegram for as long as I’ve been part of it, but over the last year or two, we’ve seen a shift in how and where cryptocurrency communities gather as Discord has taken on a more and more prominent role in shaping those communities. This doesn’t come as a surprise as the closest world to crypto is probably that of online gaming, a world that Discord is designed to serve by neatly bridging the divide between real life communication and the virtual worlds of online gaming.

As of November 1, the ENF has made its decision to migrate its community officially to Discord by converting our existing Telegram group into a read-only channel where we will continue to post important news and announcements. We encourage everyone to join us on the EOS Discord server where the ENF will continue to make ourselves available to engage with the EOS community. Please join us to make this transition as successful as possible!

What’s Next?

For EOS to be successful, the ENF cannot take on every issue or attempt to solve every problem by ourselves. Fortunately, we’ve spent years within the EOS ecosystem and understand many of its needs and have already identified much of the top talent who are able to assist us in our efforts. There are many amazing talents within the EOS ecosystem who have essentially been on a three year job interview and we will be leaning on them heavily in our efforts moving forward.

The ENF has made an initial investment of over a million dollars to assemble sponsored working groups consisting of the upper echelons of leadership within the EOS ecosystem within their areas of expertise. Each of these working groups are being tasked with defining roadmaps to solve many of the biggest and most impactful challenges that EOS currently faces as we continue to deliver on our mission forward to enable developers, businesses, and individuals to build on EOS.

In next week’s blog update, I will dive deeper into who is taking part in these working groups, what they mean for the EOS ecosystem and its future development as well as the deliverables that the community can expect as a result of the collective efforts from these working groups.

Stay tuned to learn more about the Wallet+, API+, Audit+, and Docu+ initiatives!

Chinese Translation

标题:见面会收获积极反馈,130万美元资助计划公布 | EOS生态系统进入新阶段



面向中国媒体和 KOL:EOS 网络基金会首次线上见面会

2021年11月3日, EOS 网络基金会组织了自成立以来与EOS社区的第一次正式线上会议。

本次见面会是一个只面向中国媒体和社区意见领袖开放的定向邀请活动。在这次活动中,我们介绍了 EOS 网络基金会诞生初衷及职能,并讨论了EOS目前的现状、EOSIO的核心发展、我们对EOS的长期愿景和我们如何实现这一愿景的路线图等相关内容。





很长一段时间以来,这是大部分媒体第一次以积极的方式报导和讨论 EOS。 在 EOS 网络基金会线上会议之后,雅虎财经、CoinTelegraph、CoinDesk 等主流媒体发布了40 多篇涵盖 EOS 的不同文章和视频。

虽然有些文章和视频的标题有些断章取义,或错过了EOS 生态所发生的内部背景,但有两件事已经被更广泛的区块链社区清晰理解:

  • 1、EOS绝对没有消亡。
  • 2、EOS不是Block.one。

EOS 是一个不断发展的生态系统,它在其历史上第一次拥有领导、协调、组织和汇集资源的能力,并通过此来为其生态系统发展提供资金。 我们正朝着积极的方向前进,我们正在不断累积胜利的筹码。



自9月下旬以来,EOS 网络基金会已经向几十个项目发放了奖金,以表彰他们多年来在一些比较困难的时期依然支持EOS。

本周早些时候,EOS 网络基金会发放了第三波表彰补助奖金,涵盖了EOS生态中为Play to Earn、社交和游戏发展奠定基础的项目。



●ChallengeDAC:在 EOS 创世时推出的社交应用程序,用户可以在社交中赚取加密货币。


●Crypto Dynasty:EOS 和以太坊上的即玩即赢RPG 和PvP 交易游戏。

●Liquid:专门从事EOSIO游戏开发的开发公司,曾创建了包括用于 Unity3D 的 Anchor、Atomic Assets API 客户端、用于 Hyperion History API 的 .NET 和 Unity3D 兼容 API 客户端,以及支持 dfuse 的 WebIDE。


●Prospectors:EOS 上第一款 MMO 游戏,提供具有完全用户生成经济的实时经济策略。

第四波:开发者工具 + 审计工具

●Sentnl:区块链审计公司,专门从事 EOSIO 区块链的渗透测试、钱包安全和智能合约审计。

●Slowmist:区块链安全公司,为EOSIO 项目提供包括安全审计、威胁情报(BTI)、漏洞赏金、防御部署、安全咨询和其他服务。

●Aloha EOS Tools:提供可视化链上数据(例如区块生产者性能和可靠性指标)等有用工具。

●Jungle Testnet:由CryptoLions 发起,自EOSIO 诞生以来,Jungle 一直作为许多开发团队和EOS 区块生产者的sandbox。

●EOS Powerup:EOS Powerup 提供前端、Discord 和 Telegram 机器人,帮助项目方在新资源模型下更简单的管理用户资源。

●EOS Authority Dashboard:EOS 生态系统中最强大和最全面的浏览器之一,提供独特的功能,例如账户警报通知和深入的链上分析工具。



  • EOS Go — 2017年推出的EOS Go已成为EOS社区规模最大、产出最稳定的新闻媒体平台,成立4年来每周定期更新EOS生态动向,且所有内容均以中英文发布,是连接EOS中英文社区的优秀沟通桥梁。
  • ByWire News -一个发布平台和新的信息汇集平台,其内容存储在 IPFS 中并哈希映射到 EOS 公共区块链。 它的用户帐户系统利用完整的 EOS 帐户,提供游戏化、奖励和最终的民主监督等功能。
  • Atomic Assets- 非同质化代币的 EOSIO 标准。 Atomic Assets 使 EOS 上的任何人都可以轻松铸造 NFT,这些 NFT 可以在 Atomic Hub 市场上交易。
  • Finney.World — Finney 最初在 EOS 上推出,是一款多链社区驱动的 NFT项目,用作社区内容创建和参与的激励。
  • Koreos — 早期的 DAO,也是韩国最早的 EOS 社区之一。 Koreos 通过将 EOS 英语内容书面或口头翻译成韩文,构建韩国与西方的沟通桥梁。
  • EOS Microloan — 一个由EOS驱动的社会经济系统,无银行账户的参与者正在建立一个新的经济,基于为企业和客户创造流动资金和机会。




Vigor:Vigor是由Vigor DAC构建的去中心化的借贷协议。









第七位顾问委员会成员加入EOS 网络基金会

EOS 网络基金会顾问委员会(BoA)由7名成员组成,是EOS基金会整体发展方向的把控者,在实现EOS基金会愿景方面起到重要作用。

BoA具有特别强的商业头脑、无可比拟的数据分析能力,并且对EOS生态有非常深刻全面的理解,这在向EOS 网络基金会提供核心发展建议时非常有帮助。董事会还负责审查资助拨款和赞助提案,并向EOS 网络基金会提供关键的反馈和整体方向。


在经过社区举荐与多轮选拔调查之后,我很高兴地宣布,我已经找到了合适的候选人。EOS 网络基金会及其董事会最近向ITAM游戏和韩国区块链生产商AcroEOS的前CCO Damian Byon发出加入邀请,他已经表示接受。自从加入EOS 网络基金会董事会以来,Damian已经提供了非常多的宝贵战略建议和支持。


  • Damian Byon:ITAM Games 和 AcroEOS 前 CCO
  • Aaron Cox:Greymas创始人
  • Dafeng Guo:EOS Asia和Strikingly创始人
  • Fu Pan:TockenPocket创始人兼 CEO
  • Peter Watt:Newdex项目负责人
  • Van Kai:EOS Cannon联合创始人兼领导者
  • Wen Huaqiang:CryptoKylin发起者兼资深开发者







EOS网络基金会正式将社区迁移至EOS Discord

EOS 社区 Discord 服务器最近上线,成员数量已经达到 1400+,并且每天都在持续增长。

为新社区成员提供顶级的用户体验和多元的生态加入渠道,这对于生态系统不断发展的 EOS 能够取得成功,是非常重要的事情。

通过为社区成员提供按主题组织的讨论频道、高级机器人集成、线程对话、VoIP聊天、EOS客户支持和用户资源, Discord与Telegram相比有许多明显的优势。



我们鼓励大家加入我们的EOS Discord频道,在那里EOS网络基金会将继续与EOS社区积极互动。请加入我们,使这一过渡尽可能快的成功完成。


EOS要取得成功,EOS网络基金会不能自己承担所有问题,也不能试图自己解决所有问题。 幸运的是,我们在 EOS 生态系统中工作了多年,了解它的许多需求,并且已经确定了许多能够帮助我们工作的顶尖人才。

EOS 生态系统中有许多出色的人才,他们基本上都参加了为期三年的工作,未来的工作中我们需要这些人才贡献自己的智慧,服务EOS生态发展。

EOS网络基金会已经初步投资了超过一百万美元,组建了由EOS生态系统内高层领导在其专业领域内组成的赞助工作组。这些工作组的任务是确定EOS发展路线图,以解决EOS目前面临的许多难题和挑战,我们将继续履行我们的使命,使开发人员、企业和个人能够在 EOS 上进行构建。







Korean Translation

곧 출시


