EOS New York WAX Guild Candidacy

Offering value across Technology, Community, & Governance

Kevin Rose
EOS New York
6 min readAug 19, 2019


EOS New York is excited to formally announce our candidacy as a WAX Guild for the Worldwide Asset Exchange.

When WAX announced that it was launching its own EOSIO chain a year ago, EOS New York was among the first to applaud. The future of the blockchain space is many diverse chains working in tandem, and EOSIO has proven itself as one of the best blockchain software to enable this vision.

The WAX mission is also aligned with our vision of where gaming is headed as EOS New York believes that gaming is one of the most prime use cases for blockchain. For example, digital ownership of in-game items via NFTs (non-fungible tokens) or SFTs (semi-fungible tokens) are concepts only made possible through distributed ledger technology at this time.

NFTs and SFTs will evolve the gaming paradigm and WAX will empower a generation of new gamers that will ride this wave of change. In-game items that are so scarce that only a single one of a specific type may exist will likely change the way content is generated by game publishers. For example, what will be the purpose of replaying a raid, knowing that all of the NFTs or SFTs raid rewards have been claimed by other players? It’s likely that game design strategy and development will begin to revolve around tradable NFTs and SFTs. For some genres of games, notably Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPG), the very concept of “replayability” may be challenged because what will then be the purpose of end-game content once scarce items have all been claimed? Ultimately, new economic incentives and behavior dynamics will be introduced for gamers, game developers, and market makers.

A Possible Future of Blockchain-powered Game Design

Games-as-a-service (GaaS) has already become the model of choice for AAA developers with titles such as DOTA 2, World of Warcraft, Destiny, Fortnite,and Apex Legends topping the charts month after month. With the introduction of blockchain, NFT, and SFT scarcity, and royalty/micropayment structures, it’s possible that content will be consumed faster than AAA developers can create it. In such a future, AAA developers could become general world builders while freelancers and modding communities are able to build within these worlds, offering microcontent and making professions out of what used to be a hobby. Using the WAX infrastructure, a wealth of value can be created and published by these freelancers, funded through royalty payments enabled by underlying blockchain technology.

Decentralized gaming is exciting! There is a lot to look forward to with the EOSIO-based WAX blockchain.

Telling stories is part of what makes us human and gaming is one such powerful form. The team at EOS New York is excited to apply our EOSIO and blockchain expertise to help shape the story of blockchain gaming through WAX.

Official WAX Guild candidate name

Public Website URL:


Location of Company Headquarters

  • Cook Islands

Expected Location of Servers

  • Africa, South America, Europe, and North America

Current Employee List & Pictures

Relevant Background Qualifications

  • Comprised of avid gamers, EOS New York is one of the foremost EOSIO block producers. The team produces on multiple public chains and was instrumental in launching the first EOSIO chain, EOS. EOS New York is a recognized contributor on matters of blockchain community, governance, technology, and adds value to every chain we touch. [For information regarding the team’s professional backgrounds, please see the “Current Employee List” link.]

Tech Specs

We utilize a hybrid bare-metal and cloud solution to create a completely redundant system. Our bare-metal producing infrastructure is distributed over global data centers with backups in Google Cloud for completely reliable infrastructure.

Bare-metal producing node specifications:

  • 128 GBs — 1.5 TBs of RAM (as needed)
  • 4–24 vCPUs
  • 1+ TB of SSD Storage

EOS New York’s bare-metal servers are reliably within the 1–2ms range for CPU processing, one of the fastest on EOS.

For more information and design details please see our website: https://www.eosnewyork.io/tech

Estimated Scaling Plan for Hardware

EOS New York monitors blockchain needs ongoing. Scaling requires understanding the needs of the blockchain and developing an upgrade rollout accordingly, which will have many factors that will need to be evaluated. We will utilize bare-metal servers for high-performance block production and will upgrade servers as demand increases on the WAX blockchain.

Community Benefit Project(s)

  • Manuals, guides, and written education materials
  • WAX Hardware Key support and manufacturing
  • User and Developer tool creation, including Transit API for seamless wallet and signature provider service
  • Since the WAX blockchain has unique needs, we will also survey the WAX landscape to develop the most in-demand Worker Proposal initiatives the community wants

Telegram & Node Names for Testnet Participation

  • Telegram: @eosnewyork
  • Node Name: eosnewyorkio


Blockchain affords people unprecedented ways to establish low-friction shared environments that rely more on alignment than coercion. Over the past two years working in EOS we had the benefit to observe and contribute to decentralized governance in action instead of theory. We have contributed to a number of both proposed and implemented governance improvements throughout that time and continue to participate in governance thought leadership.

We define governance as the decisions we make, the methods by which we make them, and the mechanisms we use to enforce them. EOS blockchain governance — where a common shared resource is present — can further be defined to include “a framework for incentive-driven decision making that finds an equilibrium point between efficiency and security”. Meaning, where is the optimal middle ground that achieves “good enough” decentralization while providing “good enough” end-user experience. Ultimately, our goal is to provide a stable, predictable platform for dApps that is also malleable enough that it can evolve and grow.

Governance is a topic many blockchains are continuing to iterate and evolve; and it’s not one size fits all. While many key principles such as on-chain decision making, code over subjectivity, are agreed on by many, there is still room for experimentation based on the community’s needs.

WAX’s governance system will primarily depend on token holder desires and involvement. We imagine the WAX community would desire to have a say on major decisions (e.g., buggy token contracts), but otherwise let the blockchain logic and Block Producers manage the day-to-day (e.g., code upgrades, resource management, and upgrades).

We have found success on EOS in listening to the community first, then proposing courses of action. We expect similar success with WAX by listening to what the community needs are and proposing technical solutions to suit token holder needs.

Transparency & Accountability

EOS New York is one of the most accessible block producers in the ecosystem, available to explain, troubleshoot, and help in as many ways as we can. In our EOS blockchain candidacy, we proudly displayed our values and principles right from the start and we carry those principles with us into WAX. Feel free to contact us anywhere you see EOS New York, especially telegram where you can speak directly to our leadership team.


We operate a security program that spans the entire organization and we strive to follow NIST best practices so that the entire organization provides a robust front against threats of all kinds. Our infrastructure uses Google Load Balancer which protects our nodes from DDoS and allows TCP termination on hardware devices. The connections are terminated at the edge and only valid connections are allowed to connect to the core. A whitelist firewall only allows traffic passing through the core network if it is explicitly allowed. We periodically conduct penetration tests against our own infrastructure so that we maintain the highest level of security for you, the token-holder.

We leverage multi-signature and smart contract-specific permissions structures so that our most critical permissions are protected while we safely engage on-chain.

Link to Social Media:

Website | Twitter | Medium | STEEM | Meetup | Telegram | Weibo | Bihu

EOS New York is a Block Producer on the EOS Mainnet

Website | Twitter | Medium | STEEM | Meetup | Telegram | Weibo | Bihu



Kevin Rose
EOS New York

Former EOS Block Producer. Now Windranger / BitDAO