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Thank you to EOS Titan for building eostransit.com!

EOS Transit API
EOS New York
2 min readMar 11, 2019


A Community-driven Standard

The Transit API for EOS was created by EOS New York, but it will become a standard because of the work put in by the community. EOS Titan has immediately embraced Transit API and been a steady contributor helping onboard new developers in the telegram group. We would also like to thank them for building out eostransit.com to help new developers get started building signature provider plugins or integrating Transit API into dApps.

A Quality Block Producer

EOS Titan has been involved in the EOS community since before launch. They have been very active in all aspects of EOS from their work on EOS Mechanics, to their very robust and useful toolset for understanding the EOS blockchain in depth, to their tools dedicated to helping drive EOS governance participation and referendum.

Thank you EOS Titan!

To vote for EOS Titan please choose eostitanprod. Learn more about EOS Titan at their website.

The EOS Transit API is an open-source community-driven standard to seamlessly connect signature providers with dApps on the EOS blockchain.



EOS Transit API
EOS New York

The Transit API for the EOS blockchain makes it easy for signature providers and dApps to connect to one another. Open-source and community maintained.