BOSCore Proposal — BOS Antifraud Shield

Attic Lab
Attic Lab
Published in
4 min readMay 20, 2019

Proposal Name — BOS Antifraud Shield


The lack of diligence of ECAF and deliberation of 15 BP at EOS lead fraudsters who managed to steal money to exchange EOS for fiat/crypto and to withdraw money from EOS chain before the accounts have been added to the blacklist. And the last incidents have demonstrated us the failure of both the blacklist and ECAF. The AtticLab team studied that almost all Block Producers have signed the transaction that were in the blacklist. Everything due to human inattentiveness. One of those latest bright examples is a lost of 2 000 000 EOS. The frozen blacklist account gm3dcnqgenes was invalidated, resulting in 2.09 million EOS were transferred. The reason for this failure is that the newly entered BP of the 21 did not update the blacklist configuration on time, and the attacker caught the opportunity. Only part of such funds was locked, a big part of stolen funds there withdraw before BPs are.


Our idea is to create an internal tool which attackers would have no access to. In order to counteract, it is obligatory to:

  1. Act very quickly

2. Interact with the exchanges

3. Track the whole onchain transaction

Execution Plan

Online offchain system that:

  1. Allows trustees: BCAF, BP, Police, exchange to add to the greylist accounts, after the suspicion of burglary or theft has been received.
  2. After adding, the system automatically starts tracking all transfers from a
    compromised account and adds the whole chain of related accounts to the greylist.
  3. Before each exchange withdrawal, using the API request helps to check whether this account presented in the blacklist/ greylist or not. And if this account is suspicious — to transfer the withdrawal to manual mode.
  4. BCAF carefully considers each issue, after which the account is either removed from the greylist or added to the blacklist

Phase 1 — Creation of the proposal

Phase 2 — Funding receiving

Phase 3 — Development

a) Design of Dashboard

b) Frontend development

c) Backend development

Phase 4 — Anti-Fraud development

Phase 5 — Testing

Phase 6 — Cooperation with Crypto Exchange Valuations

Fund Release Plan

More detailed plan -

BOS Antifraud shield
Funds — 982 211 BOS
Duration — 3 months


Sergii Vasylchuk
CEO and Co-founder
A former software engineer with thorough knowledge in finance, now Sergii is CEO at Attic Lab. A wide range of business and technical skills allows him to manage complex software projects. Sergii is involved in business development and strategic planning.

Sergii Ropchan
Senior Infrastructure Engineer at Attic Lab. Proven ability to create and deliver solutions tied to business growth, organizational development and systems/network optimization. Sergii has over 20 years of Unix software engineering, system administration, and DevOps experience.

Dmitry Chernobay
CBDO and Co-founder
Dmitry Chernobay is a Ukrainian national, educated in the UK (MBA Banking & Finance), Slovenia (MBA Intl Business) and Ukraine (MA). Mr Chernobay has worked in the private sector in the Ukraine for Bank Société Générale Ukraine as Head of Corporate Banking & Marketing, JSC UkrGasBank as Deputy Chairman, and in the public sector as a policy advisor to the Prime Minister of Ukraine on banking & IFIs. Mr. Chernobay is currently a Supervisory Board member of PrJSC Eurocar and serves as director of Ukrainian technology company Attic Lab Ltd specialized in blockchain and fintech applications.

Vlad Makarov
Vlad studied computer science and software engineering at School 42 (Fremont, CA). His previous experience in consulting and research yielded in an in-depth knowledge of both the business and technical sides of blockchain technology. At Attic Lab, Vlad is in charge of finance.

Bohdan Opryshko
Bohdan holds Master’s degree in Physics. After many years of successful experience in project management, SMM and UI/UX design, Bohdan joined Attic Lab. As a lead designer, he developed UX/UI for Codex. His role at Attic Lab distills down to business planning and customer relations.

Vit Parkhomenko
Community Manager
Vitalii’s is in charge of creating tutorials, educational resources, news, social media management and generally helping community members. Vitalii has been involved in customer service for several years and has worked in the blockchain industry since the beginning of 2018. Vitalii believes that community is the key for the future of any cryptocurrency.

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