BOSCore Proposal — BOS Wallets

Attic Lab
Attic Lab
Published in
5 min readMay 23, 2019

Proposal Name — BOS Wallets


BOS is fast growing blockchain, but mostly presented in Asian region. It’s enough difficult for user, which does not understand Chinese to be updated with latest updates and to buy token for local fiat currency. Western and Eastern region is big enough to be ignored but involvement of mentioned requires adaptation and localization of wallets.


To popularise the BOS for a population of central and eastern Europe through localization of wallet, creation of educational materials, airdrop for new users and etc. We can reach around 1 000 000 users every month on our social media — . Besides, we are about to maintain all the functions in the BOS ecosystem. To do this, we will create tutorials and video tutorials. In addition to support the basic function of BOS ecosystem, the BOS wallet should support all dApps so that the user could log in at any time and use his preferable application, also with this wallet you can register in any other wallet with a blink of an eye.

As it was mentioned earlier , we have a large audience coverage in eastern Europe. We definitely could use this audience as a wallet users for BOS. This means that we want to create the wallet that will fully support BOS ecosystem. As a benefit, we will translate it into several European languages ​​(English, Russian, Spanish, French, and etc.) it should be mentioned that we can do the same with the web version. In case you have no chance to use the mobile wallet you can use the web version of it. In addition, all the BOS proposals and REX will be available in the wallet.

The results we are target to:
1. The wallet with its main functions of BOS ecosystem

2. Login to any BOS dApp using the wallet

3. BOS popularization

  1. Attic Lab feels ready to participate in WPS and knows how to improve BOS
  2. To get additional funds to allocate more development resource for BOS related tools
  3. To promote BOS on Central and Eastern Europe region
  4. To have deeper integration into BOS community

Competitors wallet — MEET.ONE is a safe wallet, includes all powerful EOS.IO system contract, helpful information of Dapp projects and Token, and all real EOS news.

- EOS Token transfer and receive;
- Authority management;
- System Contracts (register, stake, buy/sell RAM, etc.)
- BP vote;
- Support third party Dapps;
- EOS news.

- Lack of European languages

TokenPocket — TokenPocket is an EOS mobile light-wallet, we strive to provide a powerful and secure digital asset management to users.

- Account Create
- EOS RAM Free
- First Aid Key Generator
- News
- Chat
- Dapps

- Lack of European languages

Execution Plan

Phase 1 — Creation proposal & Funding receiving

Phase 2 — Prototyping & UI/UX design

Phase 3 — Development

Phase 4 — Testing and bug fixing

Phase 5 — Language localization

Phase 6 — Promotion of BOS ecosystem using a wallet

Fund Release Plan

More detailed plan —

937 557 BOS that goes for developing and testing

BOS Wallets (Web & Mobile)
Funds — 937 557 BOS
Duration — 2,5 months


Attic Lab is Block Producer at majority blockchains and EOS based blockchains from the mainnet launch — EOS, BOS, ORE, Tezos, IOST, Waves, Cosmos, Irisnet, Dash, Qtum, Decred. We gathered huge experience in optimizing chain as well as creating off-chain tools — for improving blockchain usage and promote mass adoption. Solid knowledge of computer science, software engineering and finance helps us to build blockchain-based solutions from scratch as well as to collaborate with other blockchain teams as an equal partner.

Sergii Vasylchuk
CEO and Co-founder
A former software engineer with thorough knowledge in finance, now Sergii is CEO at Attic Lab. A wide range of business and technical skills allows him to manage complex software projects. Sergii is involved in business development and strategic planning.

Sergii Ropchan
Senior Infrastructure Engineer at Attic Lab. Proven ability to create and deliver solutions tied to business growth, organizational development and systems/network optimization. Sergii has over 20 years of Unix software engineering, system administration, and DevOps experience.

Dmitry Chernobay
CBDO and Co-founder
Dmitry Chernobay is a Ukrainian national, educated in the UK (MBA Banking & Finance), Slovenia (MBA Intl Business) and Ukraine (MA). Mr Chernobay has worked in the private sector in the Ukraine for Bank Société Générale Ukraine as Head of Corporate Banking & Marketing, JSC UkrGasBank as Deputy Chairman, and in the public sector as a policy advisor to the Prime Minister of Ukraine on banking & IFIs. Mr. Chernobay is currently a Supervisory Board member of PrJSC Eurocar and serves as director of Ukrainian technology company Attic Lab Ltd specialized in blockchain and fintech applications.

Vlad Makarov
Vlad studied computer science and software engineering at School 42 (Fremont, CA). His previous experience in consulting and research yielded in an in-depth knowledge of both the business and technical sides of blockchain technology. At Attic Lab, Vlad is in charge of finance.

Bohdan Opryshko
Bohdan holds Master’s degree in Physics. After many years of successful experience in project management, SMM and UI/UX design, Bohdan joined Attic Lab. As a lead designer, he developed UX/UI for Codex. His role at Attic Lab distills down to business planning and customer relations.

Vit Parkhomenko
Community Manager
Vitalii’s is in charge of creating tutorials, educational resources, news, social media management and generally helping community members. Vitalii has been involved in customer service for several years and has worked in the blockchain industry since the beginning of 2018. Vitalii believes that community is the key for the future of any cryptocurrency.

Relevant Links

Attic Lab has experience in making wallets, as example — My EOS wallet made by Attic Lab, was one of the first wallets for EOS and everfirst for BOS blockchain. We have 3 versions

