EosCrash update 08/08/19

Eos Crash
2 min readAug 8, 2019


Dear EOS Crash community!

During last month EosCrash team made a lot of updates to make gaming process more exciting for users.

Game loading speed

We’ve optimized pages loading speed, so players can get to the game rapidly. The page becomes easier to download and even with a poor internet connection player can still enjoy the gameplay.

Gameplay performance

Our gameplay process became smooth and responsive. All game stages transitions are hardly noticeable, without any delays and stops.

Special attention should be paid to the main chart. It has become smoother, all notifications are instantaneous, without any delays, giving a complete sense of control over the gameplay.

Of course, we could not ignore improvements in the cashout function. Now player can cashout instantly, at the same moment he decides to press the cashout button. We have adjusted this function without leaving chance for delays of user’s cashout from the round.

UI restyling

We refreshed the visual appearance of the game, made it more thematic and stylish. Now user can be more engaged into the gameplay process.

Play updated EosCrash here — https://eoscrash.app/crash

More to come! There is little waiting time left till DICE integration and we will announce it very soon.

May the force be with you,
EosCrash team

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