eosfinex Beta Testing Complete

Kasper Rasmussen
2 min readJun 26, 2019


Testing for eosfinex is complete and will officially launch on July 25th, marking the successful end of the platform’s beta period.

With this transition, users will see trading on the platform evolve beyond a simulated paper-trading environment into a comprehensive, full-featured on-chain trading platform designed to pioneer developments within the decentralized exchange space.

The eosfinex beta was unveiled March 28th as the first fully on-chain and scalable exchange ecosystem built on EOS. eosfinex brings all core exchange components on-chain, including order books, matching engine and custody solutions.

Following a successful bug bounty and 4 months of intensive testing, we are now in a position to enter the next stage of growth for eosfinex.


We have designed eosfinex to act as a platform for innovation and growth within the EOS ecosystem, and we are eager to integrate our efforts into the existing community. A massive thank you goes out to all beta testers, supporters and followers for their encouragement and constant backing throughout the past few months.

A number of additional updates will follow throughout the next few weeks as we transition away from beta mode, unveil additional features and begin the process of open-sourcing the foundations of the exchange.

Leave your email on www.eosfinex.com to stay up to date with the launch. To follow our progress as we approach our full launch, visit us on Twitter, Telegram & Facebook.

