Congratulations to the EOSIO Community

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1 min readJun 15, 2018 would like to offer the EOSIO community our heartfelt congratulations on the successful launch of the first ever fully functional EOSIO public blockchain.

We are witnesses to history. Never before has a decentralized network of this size and scale been launched in such a short time.

Developers are already building groundbreaking DAPPs that will be powered by EOSIO, with the promise of more innovation to come. These DAPPs mark the shift toward a world that is more decentralized, connected and secure. We look forward to realizing that future together.

The EOSIO blockchain software already provides unprecedented functionality, scalability and transparency and is excited about its potential. More exciting, though, is that the future of the EOSIO public blockchain and its scope and success will be shaped by this community.

EOSIO is a global project, and without the support and commitment of community members across the world, this one-of-a-kind milestone would have never been reached. It’s truly a significant and amazing achievement.

Members, we salute you!

  • The team

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