Dear John Oliver

Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2018

Dear Block Chainiver (formerly John Oliver),

Many of us at are loyal viewers of the “Last Bit Tonight (formerly Last Week Tonight)” show and tuned in to watch the latest episode on cryptocurrencies. Most importantly, we agree with your message regarding general industry wide caution. Be wary of overzealous marketing, celebrity endorsements/criticisms, and anyone asking for secure information like your private key or bank account info; understand there are many scam and phishing attempts on the internet in general, and make sure you’re always dealing with official sources of communication. Heed the wisdom of #Cryptodad.

We thought it would also be prudent to share some of the information that didn’t make it on air.’s CTO Daniel Larimer has previously built and deployed two of the most used (and “usable”) decentralized applications to date. Having originally worked on the development of Bitcoin and feeling it would not adequately perform, Dan developed a scalable high performance Blockchain architecture, now widely known as Delegated Proof of Stake (DPOS); today DPOS processes the majority of all blockchain transactions globally.

EOSIO is designed to leverage DPOS and familiar scripting languages to enable developers and businesses to more easily take advantage of high performance blockchain capabilities, and deploy open source community driven business models. believes Blockchain technologies have the potential to become the next mainstream infrastructure for communication and commerce, and can introduce new freedoms while streamlining compliance and universal interoperability. The company is committed to the technological and regulatory innovation required to push forward on common ground for developers, users, businesses, and regulatory agencies around the world. and community contributors make continual progress on the development of the EOSIO platform that can be viewed on the EOSIO Github, a fully transparent hub where the real time progress of feature creation through to completion can be viewed and contributed to.

Brock Pierce was an early advisor to for several months and made significant contributions to the awareness of the EOSIO project. His past experience working with projects such as Ethereum, Blockchain Capital, and as chairman of the Bitcoin Foundation have proved immensely valuable. As we mentioned last week, we recently came to a mutual agreement that Brock would end his role at as he transitions to independent community building and investment activities. We thank Brock for his contributions, support, and continued larger than life passion for the EOSIO project.

As a growing company building value through an open source community as opposed to traditional avenues of proprietary software ownership, we are conscious of the importance of robust corporate communications. We take professional standards seriously and are always focused on raising the bar as our company transitions from startup to aggressive growth. We value acknowledgment of room for continued improvement and remain confident in our mission to further the impact of Blockchain as a foundational technology.

Thanks again for the entertaining reminder to stay informed when it comes to new industries, concepts, and people.

Your fans at

P.S. If you’re interested in blockchain based Beanie Babies, we recommend exploring #Cryptokitties

