EOSIO Hong Kong Meetup Recap — 6 April 2018

Published in
5 min readApr 6, 2018
  • EOSIO Dawn 3.0 Update Release
  • Block.one’s Developer Relations Runway
  • Global Hackathon Series Announced
  • US$200m Asia-Focused VC Partnership

EOSIO Dawn 3.0 Testnet Release Offers Enhanced Usability, Scalability, Stabilization

Block.one has released a feature-complete update to its EOSIO blockchain protocol as it prepares the ground for the platform’s scheduled official June 1 release.

EOSIO Dawn 3.0 — a developer-focused, single-node update — was released on April 5, following months of testing by the EOSIO developer relations team and the developer community, and brings the software closer to a state of completion. New features enhance the usability, scalability and stabilization of the platform.

The update supports brisk 500ms block times, enhanced security protocols that give users more control over their accounts and transactions, better handling of future upgrades to core features without the need for a hard fork, and improved protocols for handling CPU usage, memory and network bandwidth. Block.one plans to release a new testnet in the coming weeks and will reach out to the community for help in stress-testing it.

Daniel Larimer, CTO of Block.one, said: “Usability, scalability and stabilization are essential to an operating system like a general purpose blockchain platform. Non-developers must be able to seamlessly interact with and use blockchain applications, while scalability is fundamental to the future growth of the blockchain ecosystem. The stabilization features we have introduced are key to ensuring resources can be utilized effectively across the network.”

Block.one Building Out Developer Relations Team for EOSIO Platform

As EOSIO nears publication, Block.one is ramping up its Developer Relations team to support the software’s adoption and the organic growth of an EOSIO developer community. Positions across Developer Relations, and a host of other functions, are posted on careers.block.one.

“Dev Relations is our interface between our core developer team and the wider development community,” says Serg Metelin, Block.one’s Head of Dev Relations. “It’s essential that we have a dynamic outward-facing infrastructure to help third-party developers become users of EOSIO and for the community to expand.”

As Block.one builds out that infrastructure, its Dev Relations operations will involve three pillars:

  • Developer Support, including proactive creation of EOSIO-related content across multiple channels, and traditional reactive support functions.
  • Developer Outreach, through hosting events, speaking at conferences and engaging in advocacy to on-board third-party developers and unearth the transformative projects that will deliver on blockchain’s promise for humanity.
  • Technology and Education Partnerships, to bring on strategic third-party partners such as consultancies and educational institutions who can help EOSIO achieve its intrinsic potential and create third party training course and certification.

‘Decentralize Everything’: Hackathon Series to Spearhead Community Growth

Block.one has announced details of its inaugural EOSIO Global Hackathon Series, a first-of-its-kind event in the world of blockchain that is aimed at supporting the growth of a decentralized developer community from the ground up.

The theme, and goal, of the series will be using the EOSIO platform to ‘Decentralize Everything’ from consumer applications to enterprise infrastructure. Four in-person events — in Hong Kong (June 9–10), Sydney (August 4–5), London (September 22–23), and a location to be revealed (November 10–11), culminating in a Grand Finale Demo Day and Pitch Competition on December 8th for winning participants of the prior hackathons to compete for the grand prizes.

The series is designed to lead the way in enabling hackers, marketers, product developers and business leaders to use the EOSIO infrastructure to create decentralized applications that connect the world. Block.one is offering US$1.5 million in awards and prizes and — with a view to inviting participation from all corners of the globe — will be inviting community-driven video pitches for selected teams to win travel stipends.

Block.one also acknowledged the 5 most active community contributors to the EOSIO core software and will be flying them out to compete in the first EOS hackathon in Hong Kong.

US$200m VC Partnership to Accelerate Asia-Focused EOSIO Ecosystem Development

Investors Michael Cao and Winnie Liu are partnering with Block.one on a new US$200 million joint venture fund to make strategic investments in Asia-focused projects utilizing EOSIO. The partnership, with their “EOS Global” fund, is the fourth injection of capital through Block.one’s EOS VC initiative and takes total funding for EOSIO projects to US$600 million.

“The blockchain space is a competitive one, but we are convinced that the speed, scalability and usability of the EOSIO open-source platform will enable rapid and radical innovation previously impeded by the limitations of existing protocols,” says Michael Cao, the founder of a blockchain mining facility in the United States and prominent investor in key blockchain infrastructure throughout the world. “We are incredibly excited to support an architecture that will drive mainstream blockchain adoption and foster new community-driven business models.”

Block.one has made an initial commitment to deploy US$1 billion in partnership with leading venture capital investors to support development of the EOSIO software.


block.one is a software company and is producing the EOS.IO software as free, open source software. This software may enable those who deploy it to launch a blockchain or decentralized applications with the features described above. block.one will not be launching a public blockchain based on the EOS.IO software. It will be the sole responsibility of third parties and the community and those who wish to become block producers to implement the features and/or provide the services described above as they see fit. block.one does not guarantee that anyone will implement such features or provide such services or that the EOS.IO software will be adopted and deployed in any way.

All statements in this document, other than statements of historical facts, including any statements regarding block.one’s business strategy, plans, prospects, developments and objectives are forward looking statements. These statements are only predictions and reflect block.one’s current beliefs and expectations with respect to future events and are based on assumptions and are subject to risk, uncertainties and change at any time. We operate in a rapidly changing environment. New risks emerge from time to time. Given these risks and uncertainties, you are cautioned not to rely on these forward-looking statements. Actual results, performance or events may differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Some of the factors that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from the forward-looking statements contained herein include, without limitation: market volatility; continued availability of capital, financing and personnel; product acceptance; the commercial success of any new products or technologies; competition; government regulation and laws; and general economic, market or business conditions. Any forward-looking statement made by block.one speaks only as of the date on which it is made and block.one is under no obligation to, and expressly disclaims any obligation to, update or alter its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, subsequent events or otherwise.

