[FAQ] How to create EOS account (Paid version)

How to use NOVA Wallet — Create EOS mainnet account

NOVA Wallet
5 min readOct 10, 2018


Hi. We are the NOVA team. We are happy to announce you that release NOVA Wallet for Android with add new feature that is creating EOS account. We hope it will be good news to who don’t have EOS account yet.

To create accounts with NOVA Wallet, Please follow the instruction below.

1. In the start page, tap the [Create an account] button.

Q : I already use this app. How can I get to start page?

A : My>Account page>Log out, then you are moving to start page.

2. Enter the account name that you want.

There are 3 conditions for make account mane.

  • 12 characters
  • Small letters, a to z
  • Numbers 1–5

Enter the name of the account that satisfies the above conditions, and the [Next] button will be activated.

Q: While typing in an account name, there is a warning message stating that the format is incorrect. Is this an error?

A: Maybe you were embarrassed by the warning message though you had not filled in your account name. This is because it checks in real time whether the account name is valid. If you are writing well in accordance with the above conditions, do not doubt and try to enter it to the end. When the account name that satisfies the condition is completed, the warning phrase will disappear :)

3. Enter the keys to be linked to the account.

Steps to register a key. You have to put Public Key of Owner Key and Active Key.

How can I get the key pairs?

NOVA Wallet has created key generation function to reduce the hassle of leaving and entering the app to generate and enter the keys. You can enter the keys tapping [Generate a key pair] button. That means you don’t need to copy and paste.

Once you have finished entering the Owner Key, the next step is to enter the Active Key. If you tap the [Next] button, the key pair entered with the Owner key will be automatically entered into the Active key. But if you want to register a different key pair, please turn off [Same as Owner Publick Key] function.

4. Enter your email address.

Once you have registered your key, next step is entering your e-mail address to receive e-mail for authentication. We send you an e-mail, and this is as your final authentication and payment information. So please enter your email address correctly.

Enter your e-mail address and [Done] button will be activated.

5. Back up the keys

Now you are in the final and it is the most important step of all steps. This is the step to back up keys. Tap the [Back up] button and store the key information. Be sure to back up your Owner Key and Active Key information to a safe place. There is no way to find the keys if you leave this page without backing up. You are responsible for the loss of the key so please check again before tapping [Done] button.

6. Your account creation request is complete.

Now that you’ve completed your account creation request, you’ll need to pay for the account creation. You have 30 minutes to send us the account creation fee, so you can finally create your account.

As you can see in the image, you can check your payment information.

  • Account: This account is only for account creation.
  • Memo: This memo is to verify yourself. If you do not enter a note, your account creation will not proceed.
  • Time limit: You must send us within 30 minutes from the time of the request.
  • Amount: The cost of creating an account. Deposit is only possible with EOS. Please see below for details of the cost.

Please check all the information and click the [OK] button. The contents will be sent by e-mail so you can check again at any time.

6. Once you complete the deposit, your account creation is successful!

Your account will be created as soon as the deposit is confirmed. We will send you an email when your account creation is complete.

We are very excited to be able to provide the account creation function that many users have requested since the beta test. If you do not have an EOS account, please create an account as soon as possible to experience EOS development and change as an EOS holder. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Thank you.

[NOVA Wallet]

Android Download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.eosnova.wallet.android

iOS Download: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/nova-wallet-eos/id1410664467

Homepage: http://eosnova.io/

Telegram: https://t.me/eosnovaio

