NOVA Wallet Declaration of EOSIO Block Producer Candidacy

NOVA Wallet
Published in
10 min readOct 1, 2019

Dear EOS Community members and Holders,

We are NOVA Wallet, South Korea representing Cryptocurrency Wallet.
Since the EOSIO Mainnet launched, we have actively participated in the development of the most convenient EOSIO utility tool, NOVA Wallet. Today, NOVA Wallet declares the candidacy of EOS BP(Block Producer) for the prosperity of EOS ecosystem.

Members of Wizard Works Inc. with great enthusiasm in blockchain-based service, have developed and operated NOVA Wallet since the EOSIO Mainnet launched.

Wizard Works Inc. was founded in 2006. A year later, Wizard Works was selected <Redherring Top 100 Asia Award> Finalist. In April 2013, Wizard Works was awarded the “Oscar Award in Internet Space”, <The Webby Awards> in Mobile & Apps field. Since the company was founded, Wizard Works has developed multiple services in web and mobile spaces.

During the 13-year-long journey of mobile and web service development, Wizard Works has developed and operated Korea’s first cloud note application, Somnote, and No.1 custom keyboard, ThemeKeyboard. Wizard Works Inc. has proudly serviced the abovementioned services to over 10M users. NOVA Wallet is the cryptocurrency wallet service that is solely developed by Wizard Works Inc, with 13 years of experience.

Each team member has an avg. 5+ years of mobile service development and management. Our team has worked as a team for a long time even before launching the cryptocurrency wallet service. Most blockchain service companies are a new and small group of the team; or often outsource the blockchain dev. team.

Since Wizard Works team has developed and operated mobile services together for years, the team communication is immediate and proactive; therefore, the development speed and completeness of the service is remarkable compared to any other blockchain service companies.

What is NOVA Wallet?

NOVA Wallet, officially launched in August 2018, is a multi-chain supported cryptocurrency wallet that has started as the most user-friendly EOS mobile wallet.

Cryptocurrency Wallet service is the most essential platform that directly interacts with users. As we have had faith in the EOSIO’s growth potential, our team has developed a EOS mobile wallet to provide a safe and convenient token management and transaction service to EOS holders. As NOVA Wallet launched, EOS communities have recognized NOVA Wallet with its user-friendly UX/UI.

Now, NOVA Wallet(Android and iOS) supports the transaction and management of tokens built on various blockchains including EOSIO. NOVA Wallet also built ‘DApp Station’ which allows EOS holders to access various DApps without repeatedly exposing the private key.

NOVA Wallet’s Contributions to EOS Ecosystem

  1. Integration of Major EOSIO Mainnet features with the highest priority
(Left) Add Token / (Middle) Stake and Unstake / (Right) RAM Buy and Sell
  • EOS Account Creation
    The primitive method of EOS account creation was too complicated for users. Now, NOVA Wallet provides the simple EOS account creation feature which allows our users to create an EOS account with a mobile wallet in one minute.
  • EOS and EOSIO token transaction and the price index
    NOVA Wallet supports EOS and EOSIO tokens, and users can also add custom tokens. User can also view the price index of EOS and EOSIO tokens within the wallet.
  • Staking/Unstaking
    To use EOS Mainnet, resources such as CPU and Network are required. User can easily stake and unstake EOS to their account using NOVA Wallet.
  • RAM Market
    User can buy and sell RAM through NOVA RAM Market feature.

2. Consistent Implementation of EOSIO Features Enhancing the EOS Governance System

(Left) Voting / (Right) Transaction History and Notification
  • Voting
    EOS holders have the right to scrutinize BPs’ activities and vote for BPs actually devoting to improve the EOS ecosystem. Holders can vote for BP through NOVA Vote feature.
  • Transaction Notification
    NOVA Wallet Team built a real-time transaction notification feature. The notification alerts transactions to the owner of the wallet; therefore, the owner can immediately react if any suspicious transaction occurs. Also, the user can use ‘Hide Spam’ feature to ignore the spam message randomly sent to EOS holders.
  • REX, Proxy
    EOS Mainnet Resource Exchange(REX) is supported in NOVA Wallet. User can lend CPU and NET to other users or DApp developers. Also, NOVA Wallet supports Proxy voting which allows a user to mandate voting power to a proxy who can regularly scrutinize EOS BPs for the improvement of the EOS ecosystem.
(Left) StrongBlock CEO, David Moss / (Right) NOVA Wallet booth at Asia Blockchain & Fintech Event in South Korea
  • Service Channel and Offline Event
    NOVA Wallet operates a service channel and social network channel to assist the EOS community and deliver EOS news. Also, we have provided multiple articles to help new users’ understanding of the EOS ecosystem. NOVA Wallet team participated in ‘Asia Blockchain & Fintech’ Conference to proactively communicate with the public.

3. EOS DApp Station where everyone can simply and safely enjoy EOS DApps

(Left) DApp Station Main / (Right) DApp Station Categories
  • DApp Station
    NOVA Wallet built the first DApp Station in South Korea. DApps are categorized into 5 categories: Game, Social, Tool, Resource, and Exchange. NOVA Wallet has integrated over 300 EOS DApps into NOVA DApp Station. Furthermore, NOVA DApp Station consistently updates important tools for EOS holders such as Requesting Voice Beta, EOS Referendum, etc.
  • DApp Promotional and Technical Support
    NOVA Wallet provides promotional plans to support quality DApps. NOVA Wallet supports quality DApp projects where has an insufficient resource for promotion and marketing. With years of mobile service operation experience, NOVA Wallet is collaborating with prominent blockchain projects and companies. Also, NOVA dev. team also provides technical support to DApp project team who has trouble integrating NOVA SDK or DApp Station with their services.

4. NOVA Wallet App to App Mobile SDK Solution

  • App to App Mobile SDK Tool
    In the EOS ecosystem, Mobile App to App SDK was neither commercialized nor distributed to the public. NOVA Wallet built our own App to App SDK Tool which allows DApp to authenticate account activities with NOVA Wallet. NOVA App to App SDK Tool is now provided as an open-source through NOVA GitHub repository. DApp developers can simply test App to App Authentication with our Auth SDK Tool and provide users enjoyable EOS DApp experience.

Especially, EOS Knights which has obtained the highest traffic in EOSIO, successfully integrated wallet authentication using NOVA App to App SDK Tool.

  • Simple Wallet Protocol
    NOVA Wallet integrated ‘Simple Wallet Protocol which allows users to authenticate web service with QR Scan in NOVA Wallet. Using NOVA QR Scan, users can authenticate actions such as login, trade, transfer, etc.

Using Simple Wallet Protocol, NOVA Wallet integrated with the world’s first EOS Decentralized Exchange, DEXEOS to provide easy and safe EOS DEX experience.

5. Integration of prominent blockchains including EOS Sidechain

  • NOVA Wallet added multiple blockchains to induce the influx of new users to the EOS ecosystem. NOVA Wallet team has recognized that supporting only EOS blockchain isolates EOS ecosystem and adversely affects the ecosystem. NOVA Wallet has already integrated prominent blockchains(e.g. Ethereum, Klaytn, etc) sequentially. Since NOVA Wallet already provides all EOSIO features, new users arrived from different blockchains can experience EOSIO based DApp without effort.
  • Also, NOVA Wallet team has internally discussed the integration of EOS Sidechains including BOSCore which is already integrated. NOVA Wallet plans to integrate various EOS Sidechains sequentially.

NOVA Wallet as a Block Producer Candidate

We have had a strong faith in the growth potential of the EOS ecosystem. Our team has developed the most convenient cryptocurrency wallet, NOVA Wallet for the prosperity of the EOS ecosystem. We have gone many trials and errors, but we also have seen EOS communities’ strong bond and support for the EOS governance.

The total number of EOS account has already passed 1.5M account, and over 400+ EOS DApps have been launched. Unlike other blockchain platforms, self-governed ‘Decentralized Autonomous Community’ is formed. Cooperation of global members of DAC has achieved remarkable change and enhancement of EOS ecosystem.

But, as mentioned earlier, we have experienced many trials and errors such as frictions between members of the ecosystem, trial and errors, and the dispute over the EOS governance; teams operating EOS utility services have reached its limit and some of the services are closed. We have believed that the provision of quality services will gradually grow the EOS ecosystem. Unlike the promising projection about EOS ecosystem, macroscopic changes in the blockchain industry, international regulatory actions, frequently occurring controversies about EOS governance, and negatively affected service index due to high volatility of price index have adversely affected EOS services; the effectiveness and the quality of service diminished and the value of EOS service gradually decreased. Negligence of these factors will result in unfavorable consequences.

NOVA Wallet declares the EOS Block Producer Candidacy to resolve abovementioned controversies and upgrade the quality of EOSIO based services. NOVA Wallet will proactively communicate and cooperate with interested groups through the partnership and propose useful EOSIO based services. Prominent Block Producers are already actively participating in EOS communities, but NOVA Wallet team with over 10 years of experience operating services with millions of users is capable of consistently deliver EOSIO based services that bring true value to EOSIO.


NOVA Wallet aims to provide more quality-services for the enhancement of the EOS ecosystem. With over 13 years of experiences and technical resources, we will provide various EOSIO based services and also support prominent EOSIO projects. NOVA Wallet will proactively cooperate with prominent Block Producers and services for the popularization of EOSIO.

Commitment and Roadmap

As a EOS Block Producer Candidate, NOVA Wallet will endeavor to support and develop EOS ecosystem. NOVA Wallet will connect other blockchains to EOSIO and scale up the EOS ecosystem as a gateway of EOSIO and all blockchain services.

Our major commitments are ‘Popularization of EOSIO and blockchain ecosystem’, ‘Increase in the influx of new users’ and ‘Increase in actual profit of EOS holders’. BP reward will be used to achieve the objective of NOVA Wallet and the commitment. We will also invest in communities and platforms to enhance the blockchain experience of current and new users. NOVA Wallet team has prepared the plan for a year. Now, NOVA Wallet will fulfill the commitment and the roadmap as a EOS Block Producer Candidate.

1. NFT(Non-fungible token) Market

NOVA Wallet dGoods NFT Market Draft disclosed during EOS WORLD EXPO 2019

As various DApp are developed, NFT(Non-fungible token) has gained a spotlight in the blockchain industry. NFT is a type of token which cannot be duplicated. Irreproducible nature of NFT provides a unique value and ownership to the digital asset (e.g. game item). Currently, the most well-known NFT is ERC721 of Ethereum.

NOVA Wallet team is closely cooperating with Mythical Games to build EOSIO based NFT protocol, dGoods open source. Mythical Games is a prominent team where received over 10M USD investment from EOS VC, and is developing the EOSIO game, Blankos the Block Party.

NOVA Wallet aims to provide the dGoods NFT Protocol, and build the marketplace where EOSIO DApps present and trade their dGoods NFT based digital assets.

2. Instant Buy and Exchange
NOVA Wallet aims to develop ‘Instant Buy and Exchange’. This service will provide convenience to users who do not have EOS or are experiencing difficulty using DApps due to the complicated procedure of buying EOS. Users will be able to buy and exchange EOS and EOSIO tokens with the most user-friendly UX/UI.

3. Mobile Portal Service
NOVA Wallet aims to be a gateway connecting all blockchain platforms and services. NOVA Wallet will provide all relevant features such as token management, EOS related functions, identity authentication, crypto payment, multi-signature, etc. Furthermore, to resolve the private key loss issue, NOVA Wallet will provide solely developed private key management and backup solution, soon.

4. On/Offline Payment System
NOVA Wallet aims to develop on/offline crypto payment system which allows EOS holders to spend EOS in various services. With high priority, NOVA Wallet team will develop the EOS payment solution which induces economic activities with EOS in our daily life.

5. De-Fi based Financial Instrument and Asset Management System
NOVA Wallet aims to provide the Smart Portfolio and Dashboards which help crypto-holders managing multiple cryptocurrencies efficiently. Together with user-customized price index tracker and cryptocurrency profile system, NOVA Wallet aims to collaborate with the trusted crypto-finance company to provide De-Fi based financial instruments and enable the cryptocurrency trading within NOVA Wallet.

6. Expansion of DApp Platform, Airdrop, Promotion, and Bounty Program
NOVA Wallet aims to provide more quality DApp services and expand to be the Global DApp Platform. NOVA Wallet aims to build a system where EOS projects can promote their services more effectively.

Detailed information on NOVA Wallet Commitment and Roadmap will be posted on NOVA Wallet Medium Channel.


As a EOS Block Producer Candidate, NOVA Wallet will support members of the EOS ecosystem with high-quality service and will increase the value of the EOS ecosystem.

NOVA Wallet BP Account is “eosnovakorbp”. Thank you for supporting NOVA Wallet.

