NOVA Wallet Guide

NOVA Wallet Guide and Explanation of EOS

Published in
1 min readMay 21, 2019


Greetings, this is NOVA team.

Since NOVA Walllet launched, NOVA wallet has developed and expanded with the expansion of EOS ecosystem. NOVA will develop and expand until NOVA becomes one of the most influential services in EOS ecosystem.

Even though EOSIO has expanded and EOS communities explained about EOS over a year, EOS may seem difficult to first-time users. For NOVA users who are struggling understanding EOS, NOVA team prepared a collection of posts which explain basic concepts of EOS ecosystem.

Since NOVA User Interface has been updated, some posts may have images of old UI. If the usage of NOVA Wallet changes posts will be updated. Here is a list of posts:

Basic concepts of EOS for Beginners

  1. About EOS Account
  2. What is Voting on EOS?
  3. What is STAKE on EOS?
  4. About EOS Resources
  5. About EOS Keys

If you have any further question, please inquire through our telegram channel or responses below!

Thank you for your support! :)

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