RAM Market now available in NOVA Wallet

NEW FEATURE: Buy and sell RAM in NOVA Wallet.

NOVA Wallet
Published in
2 min readNov 19, 2018


Introducing RAM Market in NOVA Wallet that many users have been waiting for.

What is RAM Market?
RAM is an essential resource for recording EOS account related information on the EOS blockchain. RAM cannot be transferred or lent to someone, so you need to buy RAM individually to use. RAM Market is a resource trading market where you can buy or sell RAM.

How to use
Click [RAM] button which is located at the top right corner of Stake page. If you’re going to buy RAM, click [Buy] button or if you want to sell RAM, click [Sell] button. You can buy or sell RAM as many as you want.

RAM Market in NOVA Wallet

  • You do not need to go out of the app for trading RAM anymore. Manage your RAM as you were managing your CPU and Network in your NOVA Wallet.
  • You can grasp resource information with easy-to-see configuration. You can see all the information for resource management at a glance, including the status of each resource you have, and the amount of liquid EOS that can be used to purchase RAM.

Now it’s your turn to check this NEW FEATURE with your wallet. Please update the NOVA app via NOVA wallet official download link below. Thank you :)

