EOS Wallet Comparison: Top 10 for 2019

EOSphere Blog
Published in
5 min readOct 19, 2018

Disclaimer: Please do your own research. Don’t just trust us; read as many as articles as you can. Read open source code, talk to friends. Your tokens are precious and you should take care of them.

Which type of wallet do you need?

Most people that we talk to in the EOS network tend to use multiple wallets depending on the purpose. Here are some quick tips on what to look for:

Hot vs cold wallets: A hot wallet is connected to the internet, a cold wallet can be stored offline. Generally a cold wallet is considered much more secure.

Public and Private Keys: You generally have two keys associated with your address. The public key is what someone can use to send tokens to you. The private is stored by the wallet (or just by you). With EOS there is also a new concept of account, which is made of of 12 characters and easy to remember.

Multisig Wallet: also known as a “multisignature” wallet, this refers to wallet types that require input from multiple parties in order to complete a transaction. Think of it like a team running a shared bank account.

Read a more detailed article on wallet features here.

Is it safer to just keep your EOS on an exchange?

We would not recommend storing any amount of EOS or other cryptocurrency on an exchange. Regular exchanges are centralised and naturally become targets for hacking attacks. Even with 2-factor authentication (2FA) and secure password, your online account can still be easily compromised — or the exchange itself can be infiltrated.

If you’re concerned about securely storing large amounts of EOS securely, read Ben Sigman’s detailed article.

What do you need your wallet for?

Unlike Bitcoin and Ethereum, there are many activities that you might need to do using your EOS-enabled wallet. Not only can you store and transfer tokens, you can purchase resources on EOS (e.g. RAM), vote for block producers or proxy your staked votes, and soon you’ll be able to vote on referendum issues proposed by the community. So make sure you think about these activities while you look for and experiment with different wallets.

#1 SimplEOS

Wallet type: Desktop (Mac, Windows, Linux)
Stand-out Features: Multiple Accounts Support, Create New Accounts
Github repository (open source)? Yes
Security level: High

#2 Greymass EOS-voter

Wallet type: Desktop (Mac, Windows, Linux) & Ledger Support
Stand-out Features: Multiple Accounts Support, Destroy Local Wallet Data
Github repository (open source)? Yes
Security rating: High

#3 EOS Lynx

Wallet type: IOS, Android, Linux
Stand-out Features: Easy to create new accounts, Great UI. Developers API
Github repository (open source)? No
Security rating: High

#4 Scatter Desktop

Wallet type: Desktop (Mac, Windows, Linux)
Stand-out Features: Still very new — lots of development underway
Github repository (open source)? Yes
Security rating: High

#5 EOStoolkit

Wallet type: Web (Scatter extension)
Stand-out Features: Create Proxy, Multisig, Airgrab Tokens, Permissions, Ram Buy/Sell, Refund Stake
Github repository (open source)? Yes
Security rating: Established web wallet

#6 MyEOSKit

Wallet type: Web (Scatter extension)
Stand-out Features: MultiCurrency Transfer, Name Auction, Multisig, Referendum, Permissions, Ram Buy/Sell
Github repository (open source)? No
Security rating: Established web wallet

#7 EOS Voter

Wallet type: Web (Scatter extension)
Stand-out Features: Proxy my Vote, Become a Proxy
Github repository (open source)? Yes
Security rating: High with extended validation SSL certificate (but its a biased review because we made it!)

#8 EOSCannon Tool

Wallet type: Offline iOS/Android with Web interface
Stand-out Features: Transfer, Voting, Buy/Sell Ram, Proxy Vote
Github repository (open source)? Yes
Security rating: Established web wallet

#9 CryptoFairy

Wallet type: Desktop (Mac, Windows, Linux)
Stand-out Features: Hardware Wallet support — Ledger Nano S App
Github repository (open source)? Yes
Security rating: New, but well tested by Ledger users

#10 My EOS Wallet (MEOW)

Wallet type: Web (Hardware wallet)
Stand-out Features: Similar to MEW from Ethereum — provides hardware support via web; no desktop app required. It also supports offline transactions to sign offline with an airgapped pc, and see the value of your accumulated airdrops in EOS and USD. The new interface is slick and well designed.
Github repository (open source)? Yes
Security rating: Sponsored by EOS42, Blockmatrix and EOSphere— please reach out to either of us if you have security concerns.

EOSphere is a standby Block Producer for the EOS network. If you find our work helpful, please vote for our node: eosphereiobp

If you prefer to proxy your vote, our proxy account is goodguys4eos

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