EOSphere Guild — August`22 Update

Ross Dold
EOSphere Blog
Published in
5 min readAug 29, 2022

EOSphere operate a Guild on the WAX Protocol Network providing infrastructure, services and initiatives with a focus on ensuring the health of the network, as well as assisting in the growth and adoption of the WAX Ecosystem.

Welcome to our August 2022 EOSphere Guild Update. This is where we publicly inform our WAX community of EOSphere’s last six weeks challenges and achievements, rather than just sharing them with the WAX Office of Inspector General (OIG) and peer Guilds.

Super news this last month with the launch of the Antelope rebrand of EOSIO. Of course the WAX Protocol Network will now utilise the Antelope Web3 framework and Leap Software , ensuring the network runs on an actively developed software fork.

It’s also excellent to see that WAX is an active member of the Antelope Coalition joining 3 other prominent blockchain networks.

As per every update, throughout this last period we have been steering the course with delivering rock solid services for an ever increasing number of users. Unfortunately we just missed out making the #21 this last month as competition really has been heating up with other quality Guilds, many who are focused on game development which isn’t quite our skill set. We are still optimistic for the next rating as we are preparing to make our HeadsUp (Antelope Monitoring and Alerts Platform) available.

Ok, on to the update:

Technical Operations

Infrastructure and services are currently operating normally and the network is extremely well utilised.

In our last update I mentioned that we will be providing usage graphs over time of our API’s. I’m happy to say that this project has been completed successfully, using an Elastic Stack cluster and Filebeat ingesting logs from our WAX HAProxy (excluding Atomic Assets) deployments.

Building an Elastic Stack cluster and monitoring HAProxy will make it into one of our WAX Technical How To articles in the future.

EOSphere WAX API Statistics (Last 2 weeks)

Global IP Distribution

Quite a global distribution of users, there are certainly hotspots in Europe, North America and South East Asia. The real question is why is Mauritius soo busy?

HAProxy Backend Breakdown

95% of requests are normal WAX Software requests, 4.8% are for the Hyperion API. In total just over 1 Billion user API requests over 2 weeks, excluding our Atomic Assets API which isn’t represented.

HTTP Response Codes Over Time

This represents the number of HTTP response codes over the last two weeks per 12 hours. Currently we serve between 60 Million and 70 Million successful “200” HTTP requests per day.

Top 25 Request Types

This lists the top 25 request types over the last 2 weeks, it’s quite clear that “get_table_rows” for HTTP v1.1 and HTTP v2.0 are requested most by our users.

Top Website Referrers

Not all queries have referrals, but of those that did most referrals came from Farmers World 38.7% , fw.umaske.com 12.62% and The WAX Cloud Wallet 6.96%.

Please let us know in the comments if there are any specific statistics you would like to see in the next update. Elastic Stack has much granularity.

If you are having difficulty or are just curious in using our services you can always check uptime and availability statistics via our WAX Public Facing Service Dashboard.

Product Development

We are almost there! Mark on our team has been furiously closing issues on HeadsUp our WAX Infrastructure Monitoring and Alerts Platform. We are still optimistic that HeadsUp will be released into the wild in a few weeks.

Mark Crushing Issues
Languages Used

Please signal your interest to be part of the initial release in our telegram group.

Business Development

Again a reminder that EOSphere offer Commercial Solutions for WAX Services.

We are able to host or operate your own infrastructure for the following:
Hyperion Full History
Atomic API
WAX Protocol Network API

At this point, we unfortunately aren’t able to provide this service to other WAX Guilds. However, you are welcome to use our ElasticSearch Snapshot Repository API.

Please contact us at info@eosphere.io to discuss your needs so we can craft a suitable solution for you.

Ecosystem Development

WAX Technical How To

If you are technically curious or interested in running services on the WAX network, be sure to have a look at our WAX Technical How To series published monthly in the EOSphere Blog on Medium.

We have also started converting these articles to be added to the WAX Developer GitHub

Two additional sub articles were released this month in our Hyperion Full History Technical How To Series. This series will cover the whole box and dice of a production Hyperion Full History Service, everything from Theory to Deployment and Operation.

Configure WAX Hyperion Full History

The 15.3 sub article walks through specific configuration of each component of the Hyperion Full History Service.

Running WAX Hyperion Full History

The 15.4 sub article explains how to actually run the Hyperion Full History Service.

We have created a Medium Feature Page for easy access to all our Technical How To Articles.

Be sure to ask any questions in the EOSphere Telegram

EOSphere Guild is a Block Producer on the WAX Protocol Network as well as many other Antelope based Blockchains.

If you find our work helpful, please vote for us on the WAX Mainnet: eosphereiobp

If you prefer to proxy your vote, our proxy account is : blklotusprxy

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