The Tartiers NFT Drop Was a Massive Success! What comes next?

Hernan Arber
Published in
8 min readSep 18, 2021
Master Tarter thanks you for being a part of our journey

Let’s begin with a HUGE show of appreciation for what just happened and all the people who joined the EOSTARTER community in such a short period. Each one of you helped us achieve a successful NFT drop that will support us on our next steps, which we will describe in this article. While doing that, you also helped us bring the whole idea of NFTs on EOS to the forefront of the conversation in crypto by jump-starting the EOS community’s interest in arguably the HOTTEST booming market today.

As a show of gratitude, Master Tarter has now Airdropped his magical Token of Appreciation to all of the participants of the Tartiers Drop.

Master Tarter Token of Appreciation
Tartier Participants tweet about their incoming present

It doesn’t matter if you bought a very rare Tartier, or only got a FREE Genesis Tart. If you got this token airdropped, it means you are now part of our community, and we welcome you with open arms. Get comfy, this community is set to grow far and wide.

We also gave away the LAST MINT Chocolate Tart to a lucky participant. During the Auction, Mint #1 went for 999 EOS, which means this is at least a $5000 Prize to the Lucky winner. The lucky winner was the owner of the EOS Account: gu3daobqgige CONGRATULATIONS!

The Live selection process was uploaded to our telegram channel for transparency.

Thank you for being a part of Master Tarter’s Saga!

Let’s make a short recap on the Tartiers Drop and stats:

Total sold:

17990.41 EOS ($93188 at the time of the writing)

minus Atomic Market fee - 2%)

The advantage of the EOSTARTER account being on-chain is that EVERYTHING is verifiable by anyone. This guarantees our business and company will be transparent.

There were 2 refunds issued to community members:

  • 50 EOS refund on Tartier Purchases for EOSTARTER Team Members
  • 50 EOS refund on Tartier Purchases to the holders of the EOSTARTER Membership Card NFT

We have also completed payments to the team that helped make this platform possible:

  • Front-End, Back-End, Smart Contracts, and Transaction Scripts
  • Design, UI, and the Artistic commission for the Tartiers, Genesis Tarts, and Cards

Next, we will be rewarding members of the team that have been diligently working with me on EOSTARTER without receiving any payment. Those are the true EOSTARTER OG’s. Everyone who helps us along the way should receive something for their efforts.

Now that the numbers are all laid out, let’s do a bit of a reality check.

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly


There is no doubt in my mind that EOS has the potential to become a dominant power-house not only within the NFT Marketplace but on any and every use-case a decentralized application might have. The Tartiers drop provided evidence that EOS allows for:

  • Seamless and effortless NFT Minting (we created hundreds of NFTs in seconds)
  • Gas-less minting, listing, and purchasing (resources were also negligible, although a few EOS were spent on RAM and CPU Power-ups)
  • Easy wallet integration and no issues with the incoming transactions, regardless of the high volume registered.

Let’s all give ATOMICHUB the credit for making all these capabilities available through their amazing website and API, which we leveraged for our sale.

We also showed that it doesn’t take much to ignite a huge spark of interest and involvement from the EOS community, and I am not only speaking about the NFT trading volume (which we did breakthrough new all-time-highs) but also about newcomers into EOS that were interested in EOSTARTER and made their EOS account to participate in the drop.

NFT Trading Volume on the EOS Atomic Hub (that spike on the right are the Tartiers)

Which is also a sign of…


Now let’s get real for a second, our dear EOS ecosystem has been dormant, stagnant, and struggling to attract new developers and entrepreneurs.

Yes, we managed to break through all-time highs for NFT Trading on EOS, and yet, the entire NFT drop brought in less than 0.015% of what the latest Cryptopunk was sold for on Ethereum, and this speaks about a gruesome reality we must face:

We have one of the BEST Blockchain technologies available, up and running, and yet, WE ARE NOT EVEN IN THE GAME!

All this can and must change, and there is no one, but us, the EOS Community, that can make this change.


The ugly part of this reality is that time is NOT ON OUR SIDE. As we all know by now, crypto markets behave in cycles. Currently, we are mid-way through what is seeming to be the most historic bull run in financial history, and we must make the most of it for EOS.

It’s crunch-time!

Other competing platforms are all fighting strongly to be the most adopted L1 Blockchain. While there was NOTHING like EOS back in 2018, the reality is that today there are plenty of L1 Blockchains that offer similar and in some cases even higher throughput than EOS. Although NO other Blockchain has been so thoroughly battle-tested.


Now let me also explain why I still have high hopes for EOS and I do believe that we are still best positioned to achieve mass adoption, and we can get ahead of the NFT adoption curve very fast…


The best about all these challenges is that WE ARE NOT ALONE. Not only do we have one of the strongest and fastest-growing communities in crypto, but we also have our broader EOSIO communities. In the case of NFTs, we have our sister chain, and none other than the KING of NFTs: WAX

WAX is an EOSIO blockchain that has proven the technological capabilities of EOSIO for NFTs far and wide. But even more importantly, they have built what money can’t buy and code can not program: A STRONG NFT COMMUNITY. WAX is indeed the King of NFTs for a very good reason, and they have been building an artistic, gaming-loving, everything-collecting community since 2017. I am certain that WAX has all the board pieces in place to take over the NFT landscape.

So how can we leverage WAX’s already tangible success? Simple: LEARN & Build Bridges.

Learn about their tools and governance processes, more specifically: the cloud wallet and their guild governance auditing. The cloud wallet allows for every day, non-crypto-savvy users to be onboarded seamlessly as they would on any social platform. The guild audits to ensure that the BPs are held to the highest standard, and only those can be voted into the Top 21.

The bridges we need to build should allow moving NFTs between chains freely and rapidly. The process should be a one-click transaction and both the properties and market conditions should be preserved to the maximum possible. For this mission, I would personally leverage the knowledge and expertise of our home-grown and well-known bridge builders: LiquidApps.

THERE! The quick and easy cheat code to becoming an NFT powerhouse within 1 Quarter.

EOS Can Still Achieve Massive Global Success

The latest forces within the EOS Community that are emerging can become true game-changers if executed correctly, and they work in synergy together:

  • EDEN on EOS
  • The EOS Foundation

The lightning-fast progress of the EOS Foundation, having been incorporated just a few weeks ago and already deploying capital and making things happen, is something that we’ve never seen on EOS and have been lacking since inception. I couldn’t be more excited about how this is rapidly driving innovation and new motivation in the community.

Not to mention that Bullish is now beginning to onboard institutional clients that can bring the liquidity that no other project has yet seen in this industry.

Next Steps for EOSTARTER

Back to our beloved community-powered launchpad :-)

At EOSTARTER, we have barely just started to show what we are bringing to the table. The Tartiers were our first step to get the community involved and begin to show some EOS capabilities that have been missed by the broader crypto market.


After much planning, consideration, and discussion within the team. We will be releasing our roadmap both in a written article and on our website so that everyone can see what we are planning to build. For now, what I can tell about our next steps is that our focus shifts from initial community engagement to projects, projects, and projects.

Some of the things you can expect from EOSTARTER shortly are:

  • Project Initial Funding Pool: We will be offering selected projects a kick-start investment pool to begin working towards their MVPs. We will not only be reviewing project submissions on our website but also actively searching for projects and offering rewards and benefits to project-finders.
  • Token Sale Platform: On the development side, we now enter our most intense heads-down stage where we begin developing our core mission, the EOSTARTER Launchpad. This is not a simple challenge. We want to make a fair, inclusive, easy-to-use, and bot-protected Token Sale platform that not only allows the EOS Community to participate in early-stage projects but also sets a new standard for launchpad platforms within the broader crypto ecosystem. The first Token we will be launching on this platform is, of course, the highly awaited $TART Token.
  • Advisory Services Expansion: Our core mission is to make EOS the most welcoming and friendly blockchain to develop a decentralized application on. This is not only achieved by implementing all of the development onboarding tools, but also by extending our network of professionals to new entrepreneurs coming into EOS. When a new project comes to EOS, they should feel well-received, guided, and supported every step of the way. This is where EOSTARTER comes in. To achieve this, we want to expand our network and have the best minds in our community available for new projects.
  • EOSTARTER Gaming Platform: We have a strong belief that it is through gaming that the next billion users will come into crypto, and we want to be at the forefront of that adoption. Therefore, as part of our roadmap, we will begin developing casual EOS-based games that will leverage our tokenomics and will also serve as a Play-to-earn mechanism for our users and investors.

This is just the beginning

I know, what a cliche thing to say, but it’s really true in our case. We still have a long way to go to achieve our goals for us as a project and as a blossoming EOS community. We are very excited about what’s coming, and we are committed and proud to be part of the next chapter of the EOS Revolution.

Thanks for reading through my rant, and as always: GO EOS!



Hernan Arber

CEO @ Soundwork / Founder @ Arber Tech / Co-Founder @ Quantum Consulting