EOS Tribe Q2 Financial Disclosure

Steve Floyd
Published in
4 min readAug 2, 2018

It is our belief that transparency is at the center of Block Producer operations. Over the last 40+ days, since the mainnet launch we have been documenting every penny of inflation we have collected from the network.

In our ongoing effort to provide the highest level of transparency for the token holders we serve, we submit our Q2 financial report for your review…

Expenses prior to starting operations:


Overview of expenses since starting operations:

Token claims by eostribeprod since starting operations:

Token sales on Kraken exchange to fund operations:

EOS Tribe Core Values

We would like to take this time to reiterate our core values for those who are still learning about The Tribe and what we are all about. We don’t claim to be perfect or even the best BP operation out there, but we strive to improve and become among the best example of what a BP operation should be. Thank you for coming along the ride so far, we genuinely appreciate your support.

1. People Are The Purpose

We believe that everything we do for EOS is to enrich the lives of people across the globe. People are the reason we do what we do and we try to never lose sight of that.

2. Purpose Over Duty

We will never waiver from our duty of keeping the EOS network stable and secure because of our commitment to the people on the network we serve. We believe doing the right thing while abiding by the rules outlined in the EOS constitution is always our true north in every decision we make. At the same time, we do not operate as a heartless machine, as those are the very types of organizational structures and processes we are trying to free ourselves (and others) from.

3. Trust Over Control

Block producer trust is paramount for a governed blockchain to function. We embrace the wisdom of the crowd, always leading from behind, humble stewards who only give direction if and when we can truly add value.

4. Transparency Over Position

Our loyalty is always to the EOS token holders and network, not our positions/affiliations. Transparency around our associations and financial interests is more than just a line item in our core values, it’s the center of our entire brand promise and communications strategy. If elected we will provide a public wallet address for anyone to audit (and have suggested publicly that other BPs do the same).

5. Integrity Over Pride

Integrity is our lighthouse and the only metric that matters in the outcome of decisions we make. The root of many indiscretions among the human race is often rooted in pride. Greed and many selfish acts are simply projections of self-pride and preservation. Staying rooted and down to earth is very important to The Tribe culture. Integrity in our work, our dealings with others and especially any and all affairs relating to the EOS network are among our highest ideals.

EOS Tribe Wallets:

eostribeprod — EOS6J5d6rwHJYPZnuv7KRrf5cekTf3atRTjMgbU1YMKuNnrgGvEdE
eostribefund — EOS7Xxi2pZqds6VReCPZnDojMpYHBVLEkeiepuzJhQgq3ZPtyEiuk

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