“This too shall pass”: SOS Show’s Inspiring Conversations for Hope and Help

Ep. Log Media
Published in
4 min readSep 10, 2023

Hope is a powerful and universally recognised force that becomes most crucial when we find ourselves teetering on the brink of despair. It’s an essential element for leading a fulfilling life, and there’s no reason to be ashamed of embracing it. In the tapestry of existence, encompassing this life, the current night, your personal narrative, your tribulations, and your aspirations, every aspect holds significance. Regardless of the difficulties we face today or how bleak things may seem, life inexorably marches forward, and the promise of a better tomorrow remains.

With this perspective in mind, it’s essential to maintain unwavering faith in life. While the statistics reveal that one out of every 100 deaths is a result of suicide, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Our mission is to make this platform a safer space where individuals can freely share their experiences. We are committed to dispelling misconceptions about suicide and raising awareness of this issue as a whole.

Our podcast, The SOS Show with Suchita Bhhatia on mental health, offers enlightening conversations with the host and esteemed guests who have confronted overwhelmingly challenging circumstances but emerged resilient and willing to share their journeys towards recovery. We also engage in discussions with healthcare professionals who provide invaluable insights on how to support individuals dealing with these issues.

Our aim in creating this compassionate podcast on mental health was twofold. Firstly, we sought to encourage open dialogue on the subject. Secondly, we recognise that many people worldwide grapple with feelings of isolation and loneliness. For those individuals, we offer a source of solace through our show, providing personal stories and experiences related to mental health that will help them realise they are not alone. Knowing that others have confronted similar trials and found ways to triumph can offer a sense of validation and foster a profound sense of connection.

On this Suicide Prevention Day, we’ve selected four episodes that can undoubtedly enhance your comprehension of why individuals contemplate suicide and how you, as a friend, can offer support. Our only request is that you approach these podcasts with an open mind, ready to listen and learn.

“Loneliness can exist even in the midst of a crowd, where one may feel disconnected from others despite being surrounded by friends or family”

Dr. Jyoti Sangle highlights a crucial insight. While some assume that being with loved ones guarantees freedom from loneliness, this isn’t always the case, especially for those dealing with severe mental health issues. Distinguishing between solitude and loneliness is essential. Discover more thought-provoking insights like these by tuning in to ‘The Loneliness Epidemic’ episode on The SOS Show.

Why Even Caregivers Need Care ft. Neha Bhatia

In a middle-class family, an individual bears the responsibility of providing for his loved ones. Despite facing personal struggles, he chooses not to burden his family due to his own pride and deep affection for them. Unfortunately, this situation culminates in tragedy with his suicide.

This compelling case, shared by guest Neha Bhatia, sheds light on the misconception that some still believe mental illness is merely an excuse and not a serious matter.

3. Can talking prevent a person from committing suicide?

People working in these helplines are well-trained and have undergone extensive preparation to provide assistance to those in need. This episode highlights a pressing concern: the alarming increase in child and teen suicides, often stemming from a breakdown in communication between parents and their children. Regular and meaningful conversations with young ones is necessary. To know more about this helpline and how it came into being, go check out the episode Aasra — 24x7 Helpline for Suicide Prevention on The SOS show.

Show- The SOS show Host- Suchita Bhhatia

“Every person’s depression is unique, just as every person’s diabetes is different, of course, they are likely to have a similar cluster of symptoms but it’s different in a way” — Dr. Soumitra Pathare, CMHLP

While there may be shared clusters of symptoms, depression also exhibits distinct nuances depending on a person’s specific circumstances. In this episode of “A Series Of Suicides — Cause and Effects,” we delve into the different phases of depression and gain insights into how to assist someone who is grappling with depression. Depression can be triggered by various factors and may manifest in different forms.

In conclusion, the power of hope cannot be underestimated in the face of despair. Embracing hope is essential for a fulfilling life, and there’s no shame in doing so. Ep.Log Media’s mission is to create a safe space for individuals to share their experiences, dispel misconceptions about suicide, and raise awareness about this critical issue. On this Suicide Prevention Day, we invite you to listen to four episodes that shed light on the reasons behind suicides and how you can support those in need. the above topics are very crucial Let’s approach these podcasts with an open mind and a commitment to understanding and empathy. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those facing mental health challenges and offer them hope for a better tomorrow.

