“Say yes then learn how to do it later.”

Aslam Naqvi
Ephemeral Expressions
3 min readJul 25, 2023


The statement “If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes then learn how to do it later” is often attributed to Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group. This quote reflects a bold and adventurous approach to life and opportunities. While it may sound inspiring and empowering, it also carries both pros and cons. Let’s explore them in this short essay.


  1. Embracing Growth and Learning: Saying yes to an amazing opportunity, even if you’re uncertain of your abilities, can lead to personal and professional growth. It encourages you to step out of your comfort zone, acquire new skills, and broaden your knowledge base. Embracing challenges and learning from them can be a transformative experience.
  2. Building Confidence: Taking on unfamiliar challenges and succeeding can boost your self-confidence and self-belief. The act of saying yes to an opportunity despite doubts demonstrates your willingness to take risks and trust in your ability to adapt and learn.
  3. Seizing Rare Opportunities: Amazing opportunities don’t always come knocking twice. Saying yes allows you to seize the moment and make the most of unique experiences that could lead to extraordinary outcomes in your life or career.
  4. Overcoming Fear: Accepting an opportunity that pushes your boundaries can help you conquer fear and anxiety. It allows you to confront and conquer self-doubt, empowering you to face future challenges with greater resilience.


  1. Risk of Failure: Accepting an opportunity without the necessary skills or knowledge can lead to failure. While failure can be a valuable learning experience, it may also have adverse consequences for your reputation and future opportunities.
  2. Overcommitment: Saying yes to every opportunity that comes your way might lead to overcommitment and burnout. Taking on too much at once can negatively impact your performance and well-being.
  3. Lack of Preparedness: Accepting an opportunity without adequate preparation may lead to subpar results. You might struggle to meet expectations, potentially harming relationships and credibility.
  4. Missing Genuine Opportunities: Focusing on learning how to do something later may distract you from genuinely aligned opportunities that you are already well-prepared for. Pursuing endeavours beyond your expertise may divert your attention from areas where you could excel.


The quote “Say yes then learn how to do it later” encapsulates the spirit of risk-taking, courage, and continuous learning. While there are undeniable advantages to embracing opportunities despite uncertainties, it is crucial to strike a balance. Assess each opportunity carefully, considering the level of risk, the potential for growth, and your capacity to handle additional commitments. It is essential to be discerning in your choices and to remain open to learning, whether you decide to say yes or no. A thoughtful approach to seizing opportunities will empower you to navigate life’s challenges and pave the way for a fulfilling and successful journey.

