Politics or personal development
“Everything is political”… let’s break that down:
- Politics is how people should act
- Personal development is how you should act
- Therefore for politics to be distinct, politics is how other people should act
If you accept this, then to enforce how other people act you either need to convince them or coerce them into your image of them
- To convince them into your image, you need indoctrination, this is commonly education and entertainment
- To coerce them into your image, you need enforcement, this is a mob
To have legitimate indoctrination and enforcement, you need others to comply with your axioms on how they should act, this is governance, which has taken many forms
- Feudalism is the form that the majority must submit to a minority
- Democracy is the form that the minority must submit to the majority
Therefore political debates become battles over the minutia of governance:
- which axioms to spread
- which means of indoctrination and coercion
- which extent of the intra and extra populace should enforcement apply and by whom (the reach of a collective, a nation, a church, a cult) and how it manages diplomacy with other collectives
- which distribution of agency (who are the agents – in who does power lie and over what)
- which means of revision (to remain legitimate, the practiced axioms must remain accepted)
Most of this minutia can be eliminated, by reducing the scope of politics and increasing the scope of personal development. Reduce how others should act, to be the elimination of force upon others except to defend one’s person, property, and liberty, and now all that is left is personal development, because we equalised agency and authority.
That is to say, that everything is political, only when agency is being dispersed into a system where a stakeholder (irrespective of governmental form; be it an abstract distributed entity, or a localised central entity, or another form) maintains authority over a varying portion of the agency of others. If, however, one rejects the sacrifice of one’s agency to an external authority while relinquishing one’s agential authority over others, then, instead, everything becomes personal development, which is where potential of actualised equity then lies, liberating equity from coercive interference.