Harnessing AI in Film & TV: From Idea Generation to Evaluation

Marc Schaumburg-Ingwersen
Epic Creators’ Corner
3 min readAug 9, 2023

Prepare for a scene change my dear cineastes. The backstage dynamics of the film and TV industries are taking a tech-savvy turn, and it’s all about leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to its fullest potential. Let’s dissect how AI’s rapid ideation but limited evaluation skills are reshaping the core of cinematic storytelling.

AI: The High-Speed Thinker

The astonishing reality is that Large Language Models, like ChatGPT-4, can brainstorm ideas at a pace that leaves even the most creative human minds trailing in the dust. Picture this: for every stellar idea a human conjures up, AI can produce a multitude, all in the blink of an eye. The logic is simple yet profound: to fish out a handful of golden ideas, one must cast a wide net of possibilities. This is where machines have the upper hand, effortlessly churning out idea after idea.

The AI Shortfall: Idea Evaluation

But, there’s a plot twist. While AI can birth countless ideas, its prowess falters when it comes to discerning the Oscar-worthy from the mundane. Evaluating the emotional depth of a storyline, the relatability of a character, or the potential market appeal of a concept requires a nuanced understanding, something machines are yet to master. The cinematic narrative is deeply intertwined with human emotions, cultural nuances, and evolving trends, making it a complex maze for AI to navigate.

The Managerial Evolution: From Creation to Critique

This unique AI landscape results in a significant shift in managerial thinking. With AI rapidly populating the idea pool, the onus is moving from ideation to discernment. Managers and creative leads must now hone their evaluative skills, sifting through the AI-generated haystack to find the narrative needle that resonates, captivates, and innovates. But — and this is an important “but” — never underestimate…

The Power of Collective Judgment

It’s one thing for AI to throw a myriad of ideas our way, but the real magic? Harnessing the collective intelligence to determine what will genuinely resonate with audiences. Which plot twist will keep them on the edge of their seats? Which sitcom scenario will induce the heartiest laughs? The masses, with their diverse tastes and preferences, hold the key.

You can observe that especially in web3, where community is king. (How to build a community and use the power of the masses I will highlight in a different article.)

The Cinematic Evaluation Scorecard

Here’s the thing. Evaluating a film or TV idea isn’t a walk in the park. It’s an intricate dance of several factors. Here are some ideas for “features” that could help avaluate the best idea.

  • Genre Tango: Drama, comedy, thriller, or a cocktail of genres?
  • Sentiment Symphony: Heart-wrenching, uplifting, gloomy, or invigorating?
  • Market Map: Europe, the USA, or global appeal?
  • Trending Tunes: Some genres or themes just have their moment of stardom.
  • Budget Blueprint: A grandiose blockbuster vs. a modest indie flick.
  • Starlit Spotlight: Which A-lister might be intrigued? A familiar face can skyrocket interest.
  • Originality Odyssey: Amidst a plethora of tales, how unique is this one?
  • Audience Archetype: Teens, adults, or a family affair?


AI’s unprecedented ideation speed is revolutionizing the initial stages of film and TV project development. Yet, its evaluative limitations emphasize the invaluable role of human discernment in the industry. We’re ushered into an era where the blend of machine-generated volume and human-curated quality will dictate the blockbusters and TV hits of tomorrow. 🎥🤖🍿

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This intriguing merger of AI rapidity and human sensibility paints a hopeful future for the cinematic universe. Your thoughts on this evolving narrative are welcome. Let’s exchange insights and predict the next act together! 🎥🌌

_Source_: [AI in Film & TV Development — A Comprehensive Analysis](https://deliverypdf.ssrn.com/delivery.php?ID=880092106083030016121023090097097029101082025061065066002116011127025093117098021086017003032014014000038090098019071104115091019023009076035075097111081116003067018047019066078113005088094127113102012002088088025121125091018074008109094020012029004&EXT=pdf&INDEX=TRUE)



Marc Schaumburg-Ingwersen
Epic Creators’ Corner

Film Industry Digital Pathfinder & Creative Strategy Architect | Elevating Media Enterprises in the Digital | IP with AI & Web3 | Formerly Sony, ITV, Banijay