Innovator’s Note: Between Passion and Pixels — A Personal Tale of Cinema in Crisis

Marc Schaumburg-Ingwersen
Epic Creators’ Corner
5 min readAug 20, 2023

Cinema aficionados, my heart weeps. As someone who’s lived and breathed the very air of the fiction industry, the current tempest is nothing short of heart-wrenching. Sky’s decision to halt numerous developments was just the ominous drum roll preceding a storm. Streaming platforms? They’re hiking prices, but, ironically, the coffers for content creation seem to be dwindling. Profit margins are slimmer than the silver screen we idolize, and even when there’s profit, it often barely covers the tab for our talented teams. Believe me, I’ve been there.

It’s a gut-punch to witness devoted writers pour years, emotions, and their very soul into scripts. Their craftsmanship, their art, is sometimes consigned to the cold confines of forgotten archives. We’ve gambled with time, money, and intuition, hoping to catch what the market desires or what a broadcaster seeks. This play-it-safe game? It’s strangling our creative spirit.

Yet, the silver lining, if you can see it, is the gleaming tech horizon. A world where technology isn’t just a tool, but a formidable ally. It promises speed, the birth of fresh IPs, and instant audience engagement. We can bid adieu to mundane, repetitive tasks, reserving our energies for our prime strength — weaving riveting tales.

The seismic shift from traditional TV to streaming platforms has redrawn the narrative map. The verdict is clear: only those who adapt, evolve, and embrace the ‘Growth Mindset’ will weather this storm.

We owe it to our community to empower and educate. Joining hands, harnessing technological marvels, we can ensure every tale told sees the light of day, benefitting both production houses and creative minds.

That’s my crusade. To aid production companies, broadcasters, and creatives to stay buoyant amid these tumultuous tides. To guide them towards a prosperous, forward-thinking path.

In this age of Big Data, AI, and Web3, a plethora of opportunities beckon. Through my articles and podcasts, I delve into harnessing them. Yet, the initial, and perhaps most crucial step, is sculpting the right mindset.

For both screenwriters and production companies in the entertainment industry, adopting a fixed mindset can spell stagnation and lost opportunities, especially in an age where technological advancements like AI, blockchain, and Web3 are reshaping the landscape. Embracing a growth mindset, on the other hand, means navigating these changes with curiosity, resilience, and adaptability.

To elaborate:

A fixed mindset in the world of entertainment is akin to a filmmaker using outdated equipment in a digital age. Instead of seeing the vast array of tools and storytelling possibilities provided by modern technology, they might feel overwhelmed, stick to old methodologies, and fear the unknown. It’s not about every script becoming an Oscar-winning movie or every production achieving blockbuster status. It’s about evolving, learning, and continually refining one’s craft.

For instance, a production company that shies away from the latest tech might miss out on efficiencies, cost savings, or even revolutionary ways to tell stories. The growth mindset isn’t just about improving upon what’s known; it’s about exploring what’s possible.

Tips for Developing a Growth Mindset in the Entertainment Industry:

1. Embrace Positive Self-talk: Rejections, setbacks, or unfavorable reviews are a part of the industry. Instead of viewing them as failures, view them as learning opportunities. Shift from “This project was a flop” to “What can we learn from this to make our next project even better?” Just imagine it like seeing your kid giving up playing soccer only because she lost her first game. Would you discourage her, tell her to stay home next week and give up? You certainly won´t. You would tell her to practice and get better.

2. Show Courage and Innovate: Maybe a production didn’t go as planned, or a storyline wasn’t well-received. Use this as an impetus to innovate. Dive into new technologies like AI for script suggestions, blockchain for transparent contract management, or Web3 for decentralized distribution platforms. Or as Bob iger said it:

“Innovate or die, and there’s no innovation if you operate out of fear of the new or untested.”

Robert Iger, The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company

3. Seek Inspiration from Pioneers: Many in the entertainment world faced challenges before finding their path. Think of Netflix’s transition from DVD rentals to streaming, and now, to content production. Their success lies not in luck but in their adaptability and foresight. Look at the pioneers in AI, blockchain, and Web3 spaces. What can their journeys teach the entertainment industry?

4. Stay Open to Technological Advancements: The future is digital, decentralized, and data-driven. Production companies should invest in understanding and utilizing tools like AI for post-production, blockchain for securing IP rights, and Web3 for exploring new revenue streams. Or new ways to connecting to fans. Engage with tech experts, attend industry seminars, and foster a culture of continuous learning.

In conclusion, the future of entertainment will be shaped not just by storytellers but by those who leverage the power of technology to tell those stories more efficiently, broadly, and interactively. Adopting a growth mindset means not just keeping up with the times but being ahead of them. As the saying goes: “Innovate or become obsolete.” Embrace change, seek growth, and let’s usher in the next golden era of entertainment.

ngage with the Future: The convergence of storytelling and technology is a dialogue that’s only just begun. If this piece resonated with you, I’d love to hear your insights and experiences. Let’s foster a community where creatives and tech enthusiasts collaborate for a brighter future in entertainment.

  • Join the Conversation: Subscribe to my podcast, where we dive deeper into the technological revolution shaping the entertainment industry.
  • Stay Informed: For weekly updates, industry interviews, and more insights, check out my linkedin. Together, we can chart a course towards innovation and success.
  • Collaborate: Are you a production company, broadcaster, or creative exploring the potential of AI, blockchain, or Web3? Reach out and let’s explore how we can work together to redefine the world of entertainment.

Let’s not just be spectators of change but active participants. Your voice matters. Let’s shape the future of entertainment together.

Marc Schaumburg — Ingwersen
Next-Gen TV & Film Producer I Creating the Future of Entertainment | Specializing in IP Development for series and games with AI, Blockchain and Web3



Marc Schaumburg-Ingwersen
Epic Creators’ Corner

Film Industry Digital Pathfinder & Creative Strategy Architect | Elevating Media Enterprises in the Digital | IP with AI & Web3 | Formerly Sony, ITV, Banijay