The New Age of TV and Series: Unpacking the Impact of AI and Blockchain

Marc Schaumburg-Ingwersen
Epic Creators’ Corner
5 min readAug 12, 2023

In our current digital era, TV shows and series are undergoing an evolution that may seem like something straight out of a sci-fi script. Imagine a world where the plot twists of “Breaking Bad” or “Game of Thrones” were encrypted on a blockchain, and AI algorithms determined the trajectory of Walter White’s descent into the criminal underworld or the rise of Daenerys Targaryen.

Understanding the Phenomenon: Almost two-thirds of the global populace, fueled by a mix of nostalgia, intrigue, and sheer love for gripping narratives, engage with TV series, dissecting every episode on forums and bringing fan fiction to life. And with the proliferation of smart devices, our engagement doesn’t just stop at viewing. From smart TVs to IoT-enabled gadgets, we’re in the midst of what might aptly be termed the Internet of Series Things (IoST).

The consequence? An absolute avalanche of data. Think about it — today’s data is the 21st century’s gold, mirroring the oil boom of the 18th century. By 2023, the entertainment industry had birthed over 11,000 tools and solutions, micro-analyzing viewer behavior, preferences, and even predicting the next big hit series.

Enter Blockchain: Often called the ‘digital ledger,’ think of the blockchain as an impregnable vault that doesn’t just secure your financial assets, but every single data point associated with your viewing habits. This decentralized transparency is both its strength and its Achilles heel, urging us to confront the ethical dilemma: how much of our binge-watching history do we want exposed?

The AI Revolution: Consider a near-futuristic scenario where network moguls and studio honchos don’t hold the reins to what we watch. Instead, sophisticated AI engines curate content based on intricate patterns and preferences. Ideally, it’s not just about what AI thinks we want to watch, but AI understanding the emotions, contexts, and experiences that resonate with us.

But, and it’s a significant but, these technologies are in nascent stages. Like every evolutionary leap, the integration of AI and blockchain in reshaping the TV series landscape oscillates between eureka moments, trial and error, and the inevitable skepticism. We still have a long way to go.

Ensuring Series Authenticity:

As the U.S. gears up for presidential elections, deep fakes and misinformation are the talk of the town. What if there was a way to transparently trace information back to its origin? Lisa DeLuca of Unstoppable Domains offers a tantalizing solution: blockchain-backed source tracking. Envision a mechanism where, akin to a Google Alert, an AI-powered bot scours the internet, finding mentions of your name. Each quote attributed to you prompts a verification request on the blockchain, linked to your unique crypto wallet. DeLuca elucidates, “Upon receiving a verification request, you can authenticate — ‘Is this truly from you?’” This not only boosts news outlet credibility but also rewards individuals for confirming their quotes with crypto incentives. Unstoppable Domains stands ready with this innovation, eager for media partnerships. DeLuca confidently asserts, “We’re on the brink of revolutionizing trust in media.”

Now imagine how we can utilize this idea in the golden age of streaming? Our screens are flooded with intricate narratives, the line between genuine story arcs and fan-theorized deviations often becomes blurred.

But by merging the infallible transparency of blockchain with AI’s nuanced pattern recognition, it would be possible to introduces a groundbreaking ability to trace each character arc, plot twist, or budding fan theory right back to its origin. Consider the frenzy around “Sherlock’s” enigmatic moves or the swirling theories in the “Doctor Who” multiverse. With this blend of AI and blockchain, every time a fresh speculation graces the digital realm, you, the audience, are empowered to play detective, discerning the authentic from the imagined. This is not just about fan engagement; it’s about co-creating a narrative realm, ensuring that the series’ essence remains unsullied and free from the distortions of misinformation.

Protecting the Essence of Storytelling:

In the echoing halls of creativity, the haunting whispers of plagiarism have often stifled genuine voices. Yet, as dawn breaks, there emerges NeverScreened, by Nevermined by the astute Don Gossen. Don Gossen believes in the union of AI and blockchain as a formidable tool for creators. Through blockchain-based smart contracts, creators can seamlessly uphold their copyright terms and monetize their IP in terms they control. Meanwhile, AI’s vigilant algorithms stand guard, seeking out potential violations. Together, they not only etch an unbreakable record of ownership on the blockchain but also pave the way for a simplified resolution of conflicts. This synergy fosters a space where creators feel both encouraged and secure to showcase their intellectual prowess.

But NeverScreened isn’t merely a platform; it’s a fortress built upon the dual strengths of AI and blockchain. With AI’s ability to discern patterns and identify unauthorized adaptations combined with blockchain’s unbreakable seal of originality, creators are armed like never before. Envision a world where George Lucas receives real-time notifications every time a shade of his creation is shadowed elsewhere without her nod. This synthesis of technology not only ensures that the storyteller’s voice remains unaltered but also reaffirms the sacrosanct bond of trust between the creator and the audience.

Next-Gen TV Collectibles:

In a digital landscape sculpted by technological prowess, Alethea AI harnesses the combined might of AI and blockchain to redefine the fan experience. The rise of INFTs (Intelligent Narrative Tokens in our TV universe) is not just a fad; it’s a revolution. Consider the nostalgic allure of owning a static poster from “Stranger Things.” Now, enhance that vision with the magic of blockchain’s decentralized ownership and AI’s dynamic interactivity. Why merely hang a poster, when your desktop can be graced by a fully interactive Demogorgon? Thanks to the transparent ledger system of blockchain, your unique collectible is securely yours, while AI engages you with trivia, insights, and perhaps even eerie conversations about the Upside Down. This is fandom, evolved and elevated for the digital aficionado.

Script Integrity and The Balance Act:

With the vast expanse of TV content available today, the blockchain ensures that original scripts, ideas, and creative nuances are securely timestamped and owned. On the other hand, AI, with its unparalleled analytical capabilities, ensures that the content remains consistent and true to its thematic roots, identifying deviations or potential infringements. But in this complex ballet of algorithms and secure ledgers, one must not forget the heartbeat of any narrative — human intuition. While AI offers the consistency and blockchain the security, it’s the human touch that adds the soul, ensuring our beloved shows’ narratives remain as enchanting as the creators intended. In this union, we witness a testament to the future of TV: secured by blockchain, enhanced by AI, but forever warmed by the human spirit.

In Conclusion: The melding of blockchain and AI in the TV landscape heralds an age of unmatched creativity and innovation. From fan engagement to narrative integrity, the canvas of possibilities is expansive. Yet, as with every frontier, it demands careful navigation. The current consensus? AI is a formidable ally, ready to enhance human creativity, not replace it.



Marc Schaumburg-Ingwersen
Epic Creators’ Corner

Film Industry Digital Pathfinder & Creative Strategy Architect | Elevating Media Enterprises in the Digital | IP with AI & Web3 | Formerly Sony, ITV, Banijay