Epic Women in Cyber — Chen Siedner

Sonya Moisset
Epic Women in Cyber
3 min readSep 2, 2021

Chen Siedner, a Cyber Executive with over 16 years of experience, currently working as a Senior Director of Product Operations and Strategy at Cybereason.

Started as a fraud analyst, software developer at CheckPoint and from there to product management in Cyber Security, working for companies like TrustWave, PingIdentity, Firedome.io, and Cybereason.

Chen is a guest lecturer at The Katz School at Yeshiva University, Baruch College, and Cybersecurity Advisory Board Member at Ithaca College.

How did you get into the cybersecurity field?

I started my career as a fraud analyst working in a small startup called “Cyota ‘’ the company was acquired by RSA Security, and I followed another passion and started to work at CheckPoint. Unlike many people I feel that Cyber chooses me and not the other way around. It wasn’t really my plan, but once I started I felt this is where I belong and 16 years later I still love this field and the satisfaction knowing I work for a company that has a goal to protect users and companies.

What are the main challenges in this field?

The Cybersecurity field is changing and evolving all the time. It is a constant ‘run’ to keep up with the new trends, with the different technologies and trends. For example, 10 years ago I wouldn’t have imagined that we will need to protect our cars, our IoT devices, and many other areas today that have to be monitored and protected.

What are the things you’ve learned being a woman in cybersecurity?

Collaboration and Stand with others, I think that whether you are a man or a woman, the main thing is to understand there is a lot of need of collaboration in this field, from the research to knowledge sharing until you get to the solution, The fact that women today are a minority in the field doesn’t help, that is why I think standing with others also help, support and collaborate to empower women (but not only women).
That is also why I try to inspire as many women not to be afraid of this field, and I do my best to help them get in this field since it is getting harder and harder.

What advice would you give to women who would like to join the industry?

Not to give up, would be the first, it became an issue to ‘join’ the Cyber industry, and I would advise finding a good program that includes mentoring, a good mentor can help a lot. And keep your eyes on the prize, if this is what you want to do, work for it and don’t give up. Most of us in this field got more No than Yes.

Who are your role models?

I have a personal role model and an inspirational one.

One of my best friends, Liora Guy-David is my personal role model. She is my friend and my mentor, she is really always there encouraging me and pushing me professionally and personally. My inspirational role model would be a funny one: Reese Witherspoon, she is a strong opinionated woman, she is empowering women, she built an amazing business and sold it, and she does it all with an amazing attitude.

If you could go back in time to your first days in the industry, what would you do differently or tell yourself?

​​To speak up! That would definitely be my first advice, so many times in my career I preferred to be behind in the shadows and not speak up my thoughts, my ideas, and my experience. The moment I started to speak up for myself was amazing, I felt that I can make a difference both professionally and personally by inspiring others.

If you are a founder or a member of a community for women in security, can you introduce it?

I am not a founder but I am a proud member of Cyber Ladies NYC (and global) and I volunteer in the Women’s Society of Cyberjutsu.

If you would like to be part of the list or this series, please reach out to me on Twitter or LinkedIn! :)



Sonya Moisset
Epic Women in Cyber

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