Boston racism.

The Lazu Group
Transformative Culture Project
2 min readAug 18, 2017
Stanley Forman

Racism comes in many forms, some of the most common are overt, implicit, structural and institutional and it seems this Saturday Boston is going to get a dose of different several forms of racism, including overt, institutional and implicit racism. The overt and implicit will come from the “free speech” hate rally. But the institutional racism will come from the city of Boston by allowing permits to be pulled.

Permits in Boston are a long standing power play the city has to control who can gather publicly. As I found out back in 1996 when I tried to pull a permit for a hip hop show and was told I could not get a permit because of the kind of people I would be attracting. I have worked with Ted Baker during Fashion Night Out and watched them have to hire an intern to run back and forth to 1010 Mass Ave, for a permit for their own store, I remember the bullying Sydney received when trying to do a music festival and could name countless others including the Formula One race and the Budweiser beer tent for the summer in the seaport. Permits are wielded in Boston to show whose culture belongs and who doesn’t.

Yesterday when I read the Boston Herald article and heard Marty Walsh say he didn’t want the march and that they hadn’t pulled permits yet, I thought for sure the hate rally was sunk. I mean not getting a permit in the city of Boston is a common place, there are many reasons why people can’t get permits to gather publicly, from letting the clock run out to killing them with insurance and cop costs. Yet it seemed like the city of Boston chose not to use any of the tactics they use on Boston residents trying to get a permit, and has allowed a racist hate speech rally to move forward. Let’s be clear, other cities have not granted permits.

What’s our lesson? Boston respects the first amendment for racists more than blacks and browns. I have an idea, let’s march for black and brown free speech on the commons in October (which is black history month in the UK…lol) let’s try to pull a permit 48 hours before our march and see what they say. Hit us up if you’re interested in thinking thru this with us.



The Lazu Group
Transformative Culture Project

Transforming people, places, and companies for a more inclusive world. || #EquityRealized