Fantasy Quests Season 2 Kickoff!

Published in
3 min readMay 29, 2024

We are excited to announce that FANTASY QUESTS SEASON 2 is now open! You can earn points through various quests to earn Mystery Boxes. We hope you are excited!

For those who participated in Season 1, thank you and don’t forget to exchange them for Mystery Boxes. If you missed out on Season 1, now is your chance to shine. Mystery Boxes include Mementos, some of which you can use in our upcoming game, Twilight Fantasy!

What is a Mystery Box?

Mystery Boxes include exclusive Memento NFTs and additional EPL. Some of Mementos will have the privileges to be involved in early access of our all game series. You can get and open Mystery Boxes on the EPL Hub.

About Twilight Fantasy Mystery Box — the 1st Series, please refer to our previous post (

Season 2 Timeline
Start: May 29
Finish: June 19

Remember, points earned from Fantasy Quests are not the same as tokens or game assets! It is only used to exchange for Mystery Boxes.


We have integrated the leaderboard for Season 2! The leaderboard showcases users with the highest points earned from completing quests. You can receive additional crypto rewards by achieving top rankings at the end of Season 2. Don’t forget to keep your connected wallet of EPL Hub safely.

Note: Ranking is conducted based on total points earned from Season 2. You do not need to worry about your rank going down if you use your points to get Mystery Boxes.

How to participate in Fantasy Quests

1. Go to and press “Fantasy Quests” under Event OR Go to

2. Log in or Create an Account. You will need to connect your wallet through the EPL Hub so you can get your Mystery Box items.

3. Complete the quests. Points will be reflected after you press the buttons!

Good luck!

How to get Mystery Boxes

1. Go to and press “Get Mystery Box” under Event OR Go to

2. Log in or Create an Account if you haven’t already.

3. Make sure your wallet is connected.

4. Press the “Get Boxes” button.

5. Mint any number of boxes you want. It will cost 100 points per box.

6. After you mint the amount of boxes you want, go to My Boxes > Twilight Fantasy 1st.

7. Open the boxes as you want. You will see what you get one by one. (When unboxing, there would be a caution message on your Metamask wallet because it will burn the box. Do not worry and proceed then.)

8. And then, go to My Artifacts > Memento to see your items. EPL will be deposited to your wallet.

How can I use my Mystery Box items?

Stay tuned and don’t be shy to show off your Mementos from Mystery Boxes! Season 2, let’s go!

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🎨 Epic League X:
☪️ Twilight Fantasy:
💜Twilight Fantasy X:




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