What even is EPIC?

Sienna Helena
EPIC Northwestern
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2017

Pt 2: The question on everybody’s mind

Imagine this scenario: You’re at a student activities fair. It’s grotesquely crowded. It’s your first week on campus and you are trying to find clubs and activities to join. In the distance, you see a banner with an “e” that looks like a power button and the words “EPIC —Entrepreneurship in Action” below it. The sign beckons you. You walk toward this table, you have one question on your mind, “What is EPIC and what is entrepreneurship?”

Accurate representation of what activities fair feels like

So the scene above might not be super realistic, I doubt anyone has ever been *beckoned* by our banner. (Although, EPIC does have a nice ass banner.) However, the question posed is incredibly important, especially the connection between EPIC and entrepreneurship.

Great use of colors, boxes, circles, and dashed lines in this mind map

A couple of week’s ago at All-Hands, we did an activity mindmapping entreprenuership at Northwestern. Most of these maps included what one would expect: Farley, Kellogg, the Garage, Silicon Valley, 1871, etc.

Part of EPIC’s existence is to bridge all these components of entrepreneurship and to connect otherwise overlooked or unaware individuals (like the persona from the scenario in the beginning of this post) to this network. The ecosystem of entrepreneurship is complex and hard to navigate especially for a confused and overwhelmed undergraduate.

So…What is EPIC and what is entrepreneurship?” The answer is unique to every person and is constantly changing. Yet, saying “EPIC is unique to every person and is constantly changing” is not good enough. Saying “entrepreneurship in action” is also not good enough (mainly because I don’t like “in action” because it could be heard as “inaction”).

From this reflection, I think it’s time EPIC think of a new tagline and this will be the next step in my DTP project.

Please send me feedback on this post whether you agree or disagree. If you have any topics that you think are important to consider let me know too!

