ES6: Template Strings

Tony Nguyen
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2019

ES6 introduced a new syntax for strings called “template string”s or “template literals.” Template strings are not just a cool new way to write strings. They come with new features as well.

Let’s take a look at the ES5 string and refactor it using a template literal.

// ES5 string
let myName = 'Tony Nguyen'

To create a template literal, just use the backtick(`) character instead of the single or double quotes. The backtick the same key as the ~ key usually below the escape key.

// ES6 template string
let myName = `Tony Nguyen`

It really is that simple. Now that you know how to write a template string let’s take a look at some of the things you can do with template strings.

String Concatenation

In ES5, in order to concatenate a string you would have to write code that would look like this:

// ES5
function printName(fName, lName) {
return 'Hi '+ fName + ' ' + lName + '!';
printName('Arnold','Schwarzenegger'); // "Hi Arnold Schwarzenegger!"

The printName function above is long and prone to error. I will often times have to write out the return more than once because I forgot to add a space or the plus sign.

With template strings you can easily concatenate a string in one line. This is because template strings can take in any valid JavaScript expression.

function printName(fName, lName){
return `Hi ${fName} ${lName}!`
printName('Arnold','Schwarzenegger'); // "Hi Arnold Schwarzenegger!"

Since template strings can take in any valid JavaScript expression, you can do in-line math with template strings.

let bench = 440;
let squat = 545;
let deadlift = 710;
console.log(`Arnold has a combined ${bench + squat + deadlift} lbs with his big three lifts.`);// Arnold has a combined 1695 lbs with his big three lifts.

Multi-line Strings

Multi-line strings are also easily made with template strings. In ES5, there were a number of workarounds that would help create multi-line strings but, with template strings, you can just add a new line into the string.

// ES5
let greeting = "Hello \nWorld!"
// ES6
let greeting = `Hello

Voila, you have created a string with a new line in it.

This has been a very basic overview of template strings. As you can see, they are a great new syntax that will save you time and frustration when you are working with strings. However, you can do a lot more with them than the examples I have shown above, such as tagged templates. You can learn more about template strings here.

