Which characters are public in Epic War Beta PVE Testnet?

Ciara Ha
Published in
2 min readMar 17, 2022

Superhuman Soldiers in Epic War

Planet Kepler-22B — the first planet outside the solar system where life exists — is currently ravaged by nuclear war. A lot of creatures are mutated into monsters and invade the whole planet. Kepler-22B sent a distress signal to the Earth — hundreds of millions of light years away. Unable to leave the once prosperous and beautiful planet devastated, superhuman soldiers from Earth risk their lives to rush to the Kepler-22b to save the planet.

The superhuman soldiers traverse huge distances of space, overcome thorny traps, cross deadly desert islands, go through ruined cities, get lost in endless labyrinths. They are carrying a heavy mission and responsibility, betting their lives for Kepler-22B — the future of the whole planet is in the hands of the superhuman soldiers.

What would Superhuman Soldiers look like?

The superhuman soldiers who come to the rescue of Kepler-22b planet do not discriminate between genders and ages. Entering the battle, the superhuman soldiers will be fully equipped with gears, weapons, armor … to fight with mutated monsters. With each gender, body type or age, superhuman soldiers display their own skill stats such as: heath point, attack point, defense point, speed point, dodge point, focus point.

The dream of becoming a hero is not too far away, pick up the weapons and go to the planet Kepler 22b to become excellent superhuman soldiers. Stay tuned as Epic War Beta testnet will be released at the end of this march. Epic War promises to bring Epiceros the best experience of the 3D FPS blockchain game series.

About Epic War

Epic War is a 3D Blockchain Cinematic Game that is free-to-play-to-earn. It is a massively multiplayer real-time strategy game (MMORTS) and social network based on Blockchain technology.

Epic War offers gamers the thrill of first-person shooter action in a cutting-edge gaming environment. Scavenging settings, hundreds of mutant monsters, and a frantic in-game economy are among the game’s highlights.

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