EpiK Protocol FAQ (Feb 26th, 2021)

A collection of Q&A from AMA

EpiK Protocol
EpiK Protocol
11 min readFeb 26, 2021


1. What kind of industry background does EPIK Protocol choose the knowledge Graph track?

The fourth industrial revolution is coming, and achieving comprehensive intelligence is one of the core goals at this stage. Various types of AI are entering our lives. With the disappearance of big data dividends, the level of perceptual intelligence represented by deep learning is getting closer to its “ceiling”. AI’s breakthrough from perceptual intelligence to cognitive intelligence relies on knowledge graph technology. The EPIK Protocol is committed to building a human knowledge base in a decentralized way, building a knowledge graph collaboration platform for co-construction, sharing, and mutual benefit with the help of blockchain technology, and building a human eternal knowledge base, thereby extending the vision of artificial intelligence (AI) to a smarter future.

2. What are the advantages of the EPIK Protocol?

1) With the help of decentralized storage technology, non-tampering of data problems can be solved, and knowledge can be stored forever and spread widely all over the world.

2) With the help of decentralized autonomous organizations to solve labor issues, all workers are able to participate in the fair benefits of decentralized collaboration.

3) Solve the self-driving force problem, with the help of the token economy, and realize that each member of the ecology promotes the growth of knowledge graph data in order to maximize their own interests.

4) The only project in the blockchain industry that applies the token economic model and exits the currency circle.

3. Could you introduce the team members?

The 8 core team members are from the National University of Singapore, Tsinghua University, UCL, Ryerson University, and other well-known universities, with many years of international blockchain-related industry and technical experience. The consultant team has 4 people, with a large number of researches and development and practical experience in the implementation of artificial intelligence products, as well as blockchain project community development experience. At present, there are 13 technical researchers, more than 10 global market operations and business developers, and the team is still growing

4. As a knowledge graph platform based on Filecoin, what is the role of the EPIK protocol?

If Ethereum defines a decentralized computing framework, then Filecoin defines a decentralized storage framework. As a general storage framework, Filecoin needs to take care of various storage application scenarios, which also causes Filecoin’s first-layer network to focus more on large file storage under extremely limited throughput. In the knowledge graph collaboration network constructed by the EpiK Protocol, most of them are small log files generated by frequent collaboration.

In order to better achieve the ecological integration of the two parties, the epik protocol relies on Filecoin’s core technology to customize the Filecoin second-tier storage network for the knowledge map collaboration network. The knowledge map data collected on the second-tier network through various incentives will be regularly scheduled. The large files of integrated snapshots are transferred back to Filecoin’s external network storage.

5. Why did EPIK choose to become an open-source protocol?

Epik Protocol is an advocate of the open-source knowledge movement. Anyone can become a field expert in accordance with the rules to contribute knowledge graph data and gain benefits. Each user of the Epik Protocol can also pledge EPK according to the rules to access these field experts to share. The intermediate process does not require anyone’s permission. Epik Protocol believes that the open-source knowledge movement will once again profoundly improve the efficiency of collaboration between people after the open-source software movement, and even between people and AI, and between AI and AI. Based on this, every field expert has the right to define the open source agreement responsible for the field knowledge graph data. This agreement will be deposited on Epik protocol along with the field expert application information.

6. How to understand the game between bounty hunters, field experts, and knowledge miners?

In EpiK Protocol, users can get 10MB of data access traffic per day for every EPK pledged. The traffic is not accumulated and refreshed daily. The remaining 15% of each block reward has no clear distribution plan, which needs to be determined based on the supply and demand relationship of the knowledge graph data of the entire network. The best response indicator of the supply-demand relationship here is the percentage of EPK mortgaged in order to obtain daily traffic to the current total EPK circulation. If this ratio is higher, it proves that the current demand for knowledge graph data on EpiK Protocol is greater, then we need to give more incentives to miners to improve bandwidth quality and make data access smoother. Conversely, if this ratio is lower, it proves that the value of the knowledge graph data on EpiK Protocol needs to be improved, then we need to give more incentives to the knowledge fund, accelerate the generation of knowledge graph data, increase the density of knowledge graph, and increase its value.

7. Why is this an EpiK Protocol’s sermon from carbon-based life to silicon-based life that will last at least 50 years?

EpiK Protocol uses the Expected Consensus algorithm to produce blocks, and any miner with a computing power greater than 0 has the opportunity to obtain the right to produce blocks. The block reward will decay once every 90 days, and each time it decays to 0.9573501 of the block reward in the previous stage. According to this decay ratio, it will be halved every four years, and the 700M tokens used for mining will be released in about 50 years. Carbon-based life can be understood as human civilization, while silicon-based life can be understood as computer and machine civilization. In the wave of comprehensive intelligence, how to make machines become real intelligent bodies, so as to better serve humans, is the most worthy research field in this century. EpiK is committed to building the world’s largest open-source knowledge graph database, laying a solid foundation for comprehensive intelligence.

8. How to introduce decentralized lending services (DeFi) to the Epik protocol?

Since the development of digital currency, the head effect is obvious, and most users hold mainstream currencies such as BTC/ETH. In order to help these users smoothly participate in the collaboration of the decentralized knowledge graph ecosystem, a channel for mainstream digital currency holders to smoothly enter the decentralized knowledge graph collaboration network.

The user converts BTC into eBTC through the cross-chain gateway of the Mingshi protocol, and then over-mortgages eBTC to lend EPK through the lending service of the Mingshi protocol, and then mortgages the EPK to become a mining EPK for miners, or vote to become a domain expert to receive continuous EPK rewards, Or mortgage EPK to download the required knowledge graph data. When you want to withdraw from the Knowledge Graph Collaboration Network one day, take out the pledged EPK, return the EPK in the Mingshi Protocol Lending Service to retrieve the previously over-collateralized eBTC, and then cross-chain the gateway to retrieve the original BTC.

9. How to understand trusted governance (Dao)?

Everyone will vote for their own decision. Everyone in the group has different interests. How to divide the voting rights so that each game result can approach the decision of maximizing the group’s interests is the understanding of the agreement when designing the DAO governance model Issues of focus. At different development stages, the degree of dependence of the EpiK Protocol on each ecological role is different. In order to adapt to the dynamic changes of market demand, EPK’s allocation plan among different roles also needs to have the ability to dynamically adjust.

Global parameters are related to all EPK holders’ interests. The number of EPKs locked by users directly reflects the degree of binding between users and global interests. Therefore, users can obtain global group governance by locking EPKs.

Storage ecological parameters are only related to the interests of miners, and miners obtain the governance right of the storage ecosystem based on the amount of data they store.

The knowledge ecology is only related to the interests of field experts and bounty hunters. Considering that field experts can be voted by bounty hunters, in order not to complicate the calculation method of governance rights, only field experts can obtain the knowledge ecosystem based on the Log value of their respective contribution data. The right of governing.

10. Why does Epik Protocol need field experts?

The accuracy of the knowledge graph data will directly affect its application value. In order to ensure the high quality of the knowledge map, the role of field experts is available. With the assistance of bounty hunters, field experts are responsible for the entire process of production, acceptance, and upload of knowledge graph data, and complete the knowledge supply process. Only field experts on the entire network can upload data, and they are responsible for the accuracy of the data. Therefore, they all need to disclose their real names. All uploaded data can be traced back to the corresponding field experts. The acceptance of data by domain experts is subject to the supervision of the global community.

The need to sort out the knowledge graph mainly comes from experts in various fields of knowledge. They have a systematic knowledge structure in various vertical fields. They may be university professors with deep subject knowledge in the school, maybe opinion leaders with various information channels in the community, or they may are industry experts, popular science writers, etc. In addition to field experts voted by the community, the epik protocol Foundation will regularly recruit field experts, continue to increase the diversity of the demand side of the knowledge map, and differentiate more sub-fields.

11. What is the new KnowledgeLand APP?

KnowledgeLand is a gamification label product launched by EpiK protocol. As we all know, AI needs training. If AI trained with good data will become smart. The source of good data is data labeling. The KnowledgeLand app launched by EpiK protocol uses gamification to make boring cookie-cutter data labeling as interesting as a game upgrade. The rich storyline gives users a sense of substitution. Turn complex knowledge graph construction into simple collection work and multiple-choice questions. At the same time, each participant has token rewards. Imagine that when a user is commuting to and from get off work, answering a few questions will be rewarded with tokens and may earn back the fare. This mechanism is easy to spread, and it also solves a big pain point in the data annotation industry, and the labor cost is too high.

12. What is the development of artificial intelligence described by EpiK?

The development of artificial intelligence is divided into four major stages: computational intelligence, perceptual intelligence, cognitive intelligence, and conscious intelligence. Computational intelligence allows machines to store and calculate; perceptual intelligence allows machines to hear, speak, see, and recognize; cognitive intelligence solves problems that machines can understand and think; conscious intelligence allows machines to learn and remember by themselves. At present, with the development of deep learning technology, we are advancing by leaps and bounds in perceptual intelligence, and technologies such as face recognition and voice recognition have entered our daily lives. But the breakthrough battle of cognitive intelligence has just begun. Humans want to make the apple of the Garden of Eden and give AI cognitive ability.

13. Could you share a few application scenarios that EpiK will create in the future.

At present, the knowledge map has actually penetrated into all aspects of our lives, and it is also an important part of the country’s new infrastructure. Taking several fields closely related to people’s lives, the application of knowledge graphs can be,

  1. Medical: Provide knowledge services in the fields of medical guidance, auxiliary diagnosis, and market expansion of pharmaceutical companies. Medical and health care is a typical industry with massive data and heterogeneous sources from multiple sources and is limited to data that is highly professional and complex. Data fusion is more difficult in medical and health industry application scenarios. Using the capabilities of the knowledge map, it is possible to aggregate core medical concepts and comprehensive knowledge of the medical ecosystem, extract experience and knowledge from a large number of clinical cases, enter and label, and build a system to solve the shortage of high-quality medical resources and medical services. It plays an important role in the contradiction of increasing demand.
  2. Education: The combination of educational knowledge maps and machine learning algorithms to achieve intelligent adaptive education. At present, artificial intelligence technology is more used in peripheral demand tools such as photo search for questions, oral evaluation, classroom monitoring, etc., and it has not effectively penetrated into the teaching scene. The real production value is based on sufficient and necessary data. Build a knowledge map that runs through the teaching material knowledge system, teaching resource management, and the learning track of the educated, visualize the entire process of teaching and learning, link static knowledge point data with dynamic teaching activity data, and provide a supportive environment for algorithm utilization. Knowledge graphs in the education field mainly have the following application scenarios: Ontology modeling of subject textbook knowledge to form a knowledge network that can be correlated and queried; Teaching resources and relationships are semantically organized in a graph structure for rational use; In knowledge On the basis of the map, apply big data, AI and other technologies to form a personalized learning path oriented to learning goals, to achieve a teaching plan with thousands of people; to build a personal knowledge map for the educated, and pass the learning progress and examination of their knowledge points The real-time association of feedback data forms a visualized personal portrait of the state of knowledge mastery, so that the push of exercises and teacher one-to-one teaching are targeted; the fragmented multi-source heterogeneous data in the education field is processed to form a standardized linked data set for machine learning Algorithm training provides necessary and sufficient conditions. Through the above five applications, outline the form of digital middle-office based on knowledge graph, maximize the resource integration of education field data, provide support for upper-level intelligent applications, and change the situation of “traditional education wearing artificial intelligence”. Start the education logic with technology to form a closed loop of value for adaptive learning under the guidance of data.
  3. Public Security: Focus on solving the problems of data relevance and data value mining, and empower clue intelligence analysis and case early warning. Public security big data is an important force that comprehensively promotes the quality, efficiency, and motivation of public security work. With the advent of cross-departmental, police, and business collaboration and integration, the knowledge map can extract entities such as people, things, places, institutions, and virtual identities through data analysis, text semantic analysis, and other methods. Attributes, time and space, semantics, characteristics, location connections, etc. are interconnected to build a multi-dimensional, multi-layered network of relationships between entities and entities, entities and events. It plays an important role in solving the problems of lack of data relevance and lack of intelligent applications for all police types in the development of public security big data, and truly stimulates the value of big data. The construction of the public security knowledge map still follows the logic of the knowledge map construction, but the links of knowledge extraction, ontology layer construction, and actual combat application development require the use of distributed storage, correlation algorithms, semantic reasoning, and other technologies to integrate the skills accumulated in the public security department’s business for many years Summarize and visualize, and convert with technical algorithms to integrate crime and prediction models to realize key personnel location correlation analysis, article correlation analysis, gang relationship analysis, abnormal event mining, similar case reasoning, and other functions, and enhance the intelligence of public security information It will promote the evolution of public security intelligence research and judgment, efficiently serve the public security’s anti-prevention and control work, and even achieve accurate crime prediction and early warning.

14. Is EPIK a FILECOIN ecological project?

YES, as an ecological project of Filecoin, EpiK has attracted much attention from users. Based on the decentralized storage solution, EpiK integrates the advantages of Filecoin technology and builds the Filecoin second-tier storage network, mainly to discuss two issues:

EpiK also improves Filecoin data quality.

As a decentralized storage network, Filecoin has a high reputation on the decentralized storage track. With the launch of the mainnet, it has a lot to do in decentralized storage. But unfortunately, like most decentralized storage projects on the market, Filecoin currently uses a P2P model and does not have high requirements for content quality. We are plan to solve this problem

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EpiK Protocol
EpiK Protocol

The World’s First Decentralized Protocol for AI Data Construction, Storage and Sharing. https://www.epik-protocol.io/ | https://twitter.com/EpikProtocol