EpiK Weekly Report #14 (March 8th — March 14th)

Well-known blockchain news media Cointelegraph covered an article regarding how Epik Protocol implements the Filecoin layer-two network

EpiK Protocol
EpiK Protocol
3 min readMar 15, 2021


I. Marketing Progress

On March 8th, EpiK Protocol hosted an AMA with Gao FENG in the Telegram group, Gao FENG is the Open Data Regional Representative of China. At the AMA event, Gao Feng shared his opinions on personal data rights, Web 3.0 Open Data trend, and the era of knowledge graph empowering algorithms. He answered more than a dozen of questions. Also, in the live questions seection, he shared many trends on which EpiK Protocol could develop on.

On Mar 10, EpiK Protocol published a new article “EpiK Protocol: From Recognition to Cognition, Helping AI Broaden Its Horizons”, it explains how EpiK Protocol could empower AI, allow AI to from recognition to cognition stage which can broaden AI’s horizons.

On Mar 11th, well-known blockchain news media Cointelegraph covered an article regarding on Epik Protocol implement the Filecoin layer-two network. Read the full article:

How does Epik Protocol implement the Filecoin layer-two network?


On March 12th, Arbor Day, the 18th tea party of Juan’s Technology with the theme of “Breathing for the Earth” was being hosted, the event invited Elon, COO of EpiK Protocol. During the event, Elon shared the EpiK Protocol model and empowering AI solutions with the industry leaders, and at the same time called on more people to participate in this epic sermon, which lasted at least 50 years from carbon-based life to silicon-based life.

As of Feb 15th, EpiK Protocol Testnet 3.0 mining pool: there are 4,960,000 EPK tokens have released.

II. Community

Twitter: 15,659

Telegram Community: 18,998

Telegram Channel: 10,514

WeChat Community: 8,421

III. Technical Progress

Go-EpiK Mainchain

  • Writing automated test scripts for economic models, developing
  • Writing automated test scripts for governance models, developing
  • go-epik Code Review, in progress
  • go-epik Code Audit, in progress

KnowledgeLand v1.0

  • Optimized the login interface UI
  • Added asynchronous authentication logic
  • Added interface animation details
  • Added English version

EpiK Data Gateway

  • High-performance scalable architecture has been implemented, testing
  • CN-DBPedia data has been stored in the database

EpiK Portal wallet

  • ERC20-EPK exchange function for mainnet EPK, testing
  • Knowledge mainland points redemption function, testing
  • Domain expert application, voting function, testing

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· EpiK Medium (For the latest articles)

·EpiK GitHub (For the full set of code)



EpiK Protocol
EpiK Protocol

The World’s First Decentralized Protocol for AI Data Construction, Storage and Sharing. https://www.epik-protocol.io/ | https://twitter.com/EpikProtocol